Deworming with fenbendazole

While it's on my mind; Flubenvet which is a Flubendazole based product gets used for tapeworm here.
Dosage 0.95 mg of active ingredient (Flubendazole) per kilo of live weight for 5 days.
It could be used here too, but would technically require some egg withdrawal because it's not on the approved list.

Use Canada and Wazine as an example. In Canada, Wazine *is* approved for laying hens, but her in the US veterinarians recommended something like two weeks withdrawal.
I wonder why that is.
One of the advantages and one of the reasons it is licensed in the EU is because the studies carried out showed negligible residue in the egg white and non critical residue in the yolk.
Afaik, here at least, for a slaughtered fowl there is a recommended 7 day wait post treatment with Flubendazole.
It seems a bit strange that the tests carried out in Europe which state eggs are safe to eat are not accepted in the US, particularly when you have mentioned before that this product hadn't undergone FDA approval.
Acceptable residues are established with specific doses of a product, so if you give more, all bets are off, basically. Regulatory agencies across the world are making efforts to harmonize requirements for drug approvals, but there are still some big differences in the rules between different countries.
Acceptable residues are established with specific doses of a product, so if you give more, all bets are off, basically. Regulatory agencies across the world are making efforts to harmonize requirements for drug approvals, but there are still some big differences in the rules between different countries.
I agree, but the point of a dosage is to give that and not more, so any study has to assume a correct dosage.;)
Interesting the research done with Flubendazole (by the producers of the drug if my memory serves me) was the dose could be exceeded by a factor of ten without any 'ill effects'.
This makes it an ideal candidate for a feed additive where there is limited dosage control.
Please forgive me for not following up on this. I did treat with fenbendazole, but then unfortunately the two high tapeworm shedders (and one other) were killed by a neighborhood dog. My three remaining chickens have negative fecals as of a couple of weeks ago when BYC's Aart was with me, she came to my house to have some nerdly parasite fun. :)

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