DH got a new job


10 Years
May 1, 2009
Well… my DH just got a new job. He is very excited but I am still unsure about it, though it is a very reputable and solid company. I like to find a good place and stick with it. He on the other hand is always looking for a place that has higher pay. This one I think is also going to come at a higher cost to the kids, me, and him (later on when he realizes what he missed). I understand where he is coming from, we want to get some bills paid off but still… is it worth it?

He currently is a beer salesman and does work long days but his new job (start September 27th) will be as a truck driver (did this before delivering beer) and he will be away from home a 2-5 days/nights a week. Pay is based on the loaded mile. That leaves me to take care of everything at our hobby farm plus work full time, all the kid appointments, games, school meetings, and dance performances. I am afraid he is going to miss so much, our son is in the 7th grade and playing tackle football (don’t offer it at his school until 7th grade) as a wide receiver. Our daughter is in the 6th grade and this is the last year she will be in the Just For Kix program at her school (only go to 6th there then they move to the High School dance team). This new place is also an hour and twenty minutes away (50 minutes farther than his current job), I guess that isn’t to bad when he is GONE the whole time and not driving back and forth.

I am having a hard time being excited for him, I will of course support him moving on to this new job. Am I being overly sensitive about this whole thing?
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IMO, you should be supportive for any job he has. He is trying to take care of his family, and you two should be partners. Yes, it will be difficult, yes he will miss things, and yes, you will be lonely. But remember..... this is NOT forever. No job is. If it helps take care of the family, it will be a good thing. I have found that when I worry about things that haven't happened, I'm usually wasting time.

Step back, enjoy the time you have with him home and tell him how much you love him and will miss him. That will make it better for BOTH of you.

Good luck!
It isn't that bad. Really.

Stay in touch. Unlimited cell phone minutes. Computer with cam.

Do not let his job define his life.
I agree with this, it is not for long term until the jobs nearby picks back up again. It is just one of those times that we must provide our family in the best way we can.
Though not quite the same as you but my hubby work 12 hour+ days and then drives 1 1/2 hours each way to work. So he leaves somewhere around 3 am and get home at 8pm or so at night. Why does he do it? The pay we live in a small rural town and for him to get decent pay for what he does he needs to work in the city. He works 5 to 6 days a week too. When we first moved here from the city i was not sure how i would go with doing everything myself but you do get used to it after a while.
i think its a decision not to be taken lightly. As long as you guys have talked about it. Does he realise how much its going to cost for him to be out on the road that long? It takes some savvy dealing and experience to make it out on the road for less than $60 a week.

My husband is gone all week driving truck. i also have to deal with everything at home, although i dont work outside of the home right now, it is still really stressful.
Go for it, you can keep it all together better than you think. It won't be easy, but you both CAN do it.

To put it in perspective.... at least he isn't deployed overseas with the military for a year or more.

Best of luck to the entire family. These are tough times, but it will work out. .
Thank you everyone for your support and responses. I will/am being supportive of him in this choice because I do love him.

He has been away before and had said that he NEVER wanted to be away again. To give you all a little info, we were both in the military and met in Alabama after my year stint in Korea. We were married in Alabama and our son was born there. I was in Saudi Arabia when I found out I was pregnant with our first child, he found out over the phone. Then three days before he was set to deploy to Korea we found out we were having another child. During this deployment he missed our son’s first real words, walking, potty training, first birthday, and second birthday. He missed the whole pregnancy with our daughter, multiple ultrasounds because of complications, hearing her heart beat, her birth, and seeing her in the NICU with all those machines hooked up to her. He did get to meet her when she was almost three weeks old, he came home for 2 weeks. Then we were stationed in ND where he worked out in the field 3 on 3 off (where he was gone for the whole time).

I have had to do this before but I truly am not looking forward to doing this again. However I will still support him.
The current economic climate has a lot of us doing things that we said we'd never do, again. That doesn't make it any easier, though, does it?

to you, and
for supporting your DH while he tries to support his family.

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