DH Scared Me


10 Years
Jan 11, 2010
I hate it when he does this.

Came in the house yelling in pain. He had been out stapling some tar paper up on the new house.
First thought is he broke something, he has cut himself terribly, he has punched a staple in his hand. All these terrible thoughts gp through my head.

He's in the bathroom running water over his one finger. Then he hits the sink (It is a wall mount) and almost knockes the sink off the wall.
I ask him whats wrong? He hit his finger with the stapler and has a cut along his finger that is not even bleeding at that moment.
Look at his finger. It needs nothing more then a band aid.

I go back to what I was doing, he comes in looks at me and says, "Well gee you didn't even check to see if it was broke."

He could move it it wasn't broke and I'm not an x-ray machine.
completely irritating I must say and they can be such babies
I am glad he is ok and didn't have a broken finger (that would require a splint)

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