DIAPERS - Goose, Duck, Gosling/Duckling, Chicken, Bantam - DIAPERS $7 - $40

I want to get one for my goose jazzy she is soooooooo cute and my mom stead yes well it was her idea but jazzy is like a dog she is really part of are family jazzy peters it has a nice ring to it :D:D:D:lol::weee:yiipchick:goodpost::bun
Thats what im looking for! We have 6 and no way could i afford what everyone is charging :-( Im looking everywhere for a pattern and of course no one wants to sharw theirs.
Hello there!! I am living in Wales UK, and I have two 3 day old Dewlap Toulouse goslings. I am making due with homemade sock diapers at the moment, but I would like to purchase 2 adult goose diaper harnesses with waterproof lining. Are you still making these? If so how much for 2 plus shipping? Thanks soo much!!
These are all super cute!!!!!!!!! If I were getting a duck I'd get the batman/Cinderella ones :3 SO CUTE!!!! Forget chihuahuas, its all about the birds!!

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