Diary of a Crossbeak: Support for Special Needs Chickens and their Keepers

So Cadbury flies up onto my arm for attention (jealous of the BR on my other arm), and out of the corner of my eye I notice her beak is broken! It has to hurt, but she began preening without a squawk. I touched it to see what was going on. Still not much of a response. The break is actually in a pretty good place. It is like a fingernail that is broken just below where it should be clipped. I am sure it will bleed, and so I need the following info:
Will toenail clippers work okay?
Is flour better or corn starch?
Can I really do this?
If the flour or corn starch don't stop it, try a drop of crazy glue. I used it on my Sylvie's beak after the vet trimmed it. As soon as she started pecking at her food, the bleeding would start up again. Crazy glue was actually developed for soldiers to do sutures on the battle field, I've been told. Obviously, be very careful not to glue the beak shut. That would be what we call "counter productive."

So I really just needed reassurance, and once I had that, I said a prayer or ten, collected my supplies, tied my hair back, and went out to the coop.
As I wrapped cadbury up in a towel, I admitted that it was going to hurt pretty bad, and I was sorry. I lightly wiggled the beak and .... It came off!!! No blood, no pain (I think). I trimmed a little of the bottom beak, and put her back in the coop. I am so relieved! I promise to not let it get so overgrown again! I think she will be able to eat a whole lot better tomorrow. I will have to take a picture too.
I am so happy!

my little cross beak Stewie isn't doing well!!
She's 4-5 mths old. Friday AM she was perky and came running for breakfast. Went out in the evening and she was nearly dead, eyes closed, gasping for air. I moved her to her own little tub, and I propped her to a normal laying position in a box to keep her head upright too. I didn't feel any blockages, no nasal discharge, nothing. Saturday AM she was standing on her own, perkier, but still wheezing when she was breathing. She ate nothing over night. She's been the same since then. I've noticed if she gets too excited she'll start gasping or if she tries to eat she doesn't seem to breath and eat seperatly.

Any ideas? anything I should look for? Anything I can do to make her more comfortable?
It really does sound like a blockage. Either her throat/lungs or her nose.
Her sinuses could be infected and swelling, or an injury could have damaged them.
And the worst thing would be a collapsed lung.
Can you call a vet in the morning? Even asking a vet's opinion may help. Also, there is at least one site that has vets answering questions. Like Web M.D. for animals.
I know I am not helping. I am trying, though!
Sadly vets around here don't really "do" chickens. If i told them the whole flock was oozing pus out of their eyes they'd probably help me, but for a single chicken, they just say they can put her down for me.

I guess I'm going to need to pin my little bird down and flash light everywhere in her head.

I doubt she collapsed a lung, she will breath normally with a wheeze (like a person with a stuffy nose) until she gets running around to get my attention, then its gasps. obviously its better then the other day as i thought she was dead or would die over night.

Is there an easy way to get water into her??
Sadly vets around here don't really "do" chickens.  If i told them the whole flock was oozing pus out of their eyes they'd probably help me, but for a single chicken, they just say they can put her down for me.

I guess I'm going to need to pin my little bird down and flash light everywhere in her head.

I doubt she collapsed a lung, she will breath normally with a wheeze (like a person with a stuffy nose) until she gets running around to get my attention, then its gasps.  obviously its better then the other day as i thought she was dead or would die over night.

Is there an easy way to get water into her??
This sounds like a fungal infection to me..

:( Any chance you can get your hands on Oxine really soon? Try ACV in mushy food. Get as much into her as you can. Dip her beak and she may (or may not) swallow some of the mixture..

I don't think she has... She's been stuck in the barn with the younger chickies. They have shavings over a cement pad.

How would I check for those??

I'd rather check and rule things out then not explore a possibility!
She's a cross-beak, and she eats wet mash, right? That stuff is like wall-paper paste. Could her nostrils just be "glued" shut? I always try to think of the simplest stuff first...it's a good place to start any way. Hopefully it is that easy.

I thought of that today too.... i guess I panicked. On basic inspection they were clear, but I'm going to take a flash light and really scope her out when I get home from work. Know a safe way to clean them out? I may clean them anyway just to be safe.
She's a cross-beak, and she eats wet mash, right? That stuff is like wall-paper paste. Could her nostrils just be "glued" shut? I always try to think of the simplest stuff first...it's a good place to start any way. Hopefully it is that easy.


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