Did anyone else set eggs today on Valentine's Day?


8 Years
Feb 18, 2011
Western Maine
Curious to know if anyone has set any eggs today, Feb 14th? I have set 1 RR, 3 Silkies, and 8 EE. I would set more but am too anxious to get to hatching this year. So, anyone else?
Hey Jake1297,

I set 36 eggs last night. I completely forgot today was St. Valentines.

15 Red Sussex from Ebay seller
12 Sex link Red Stars mix
4 EE mix
5 Buff Orphingtons mix

i'll be right along with you trying not to go look at the incubator every five minutes.
What kind of incubator are you using? And what is your humidity at?

i am trying to go dry hatch but we'll see what the humidity is looking like. It has been steady so far at about 50%.

Fingers crossed!!!
Good luck


I'm incubating in a Little Giant with fan and turner. When I lock them down they will be in another LG which is a still air and used only for hatching. Right now it's 100 F and my humidity is at 55%. I usually go with a dry hatch and don't control the humidity. But since this is my first time with EE I'm watching the humidity.
I'll join you all in this incubating fun! I set 15 EE eggs last night!

I'm testing out dry incubation once again. I'm planning on hatching out a bigger number next month if all goes well.
Well one of my Red Stars decided that today she was gonna set some eggs. So my little Valentine is going to get the chance to have her own little sweet hearts. I think having Lucy Lu and her 7 three week old chicks around is making some hens get jealous. Minnie, Mimmi, and now Valentine are all setting along with Sadie our Chinese White goose who is setting on 9 Khaki Campbell eggs. My two BBW turkey hens are fighting over who is going to sit in the nest box all day, so I had better order them some eggs to set. My incubator should be free after this weekends hatch so now I have to see whats next. I love this time of year! Everyone wants babies.

So when you do dry hatch what range of humidity do you like to see. Mine was running at about 50% with the two plugs in so i took them(the plugs ) out and now it has been just over 30% for the last day or so. I am under the impression that 25% or under is too dry. What is your take on it? Pleaes chime in Marcy or Comptons also.

Skippy Roo,

I'm not a pro by any chance but I've always had good luck just letting the humidity go by itself. It usually runs anywhere between high 20's and low 40's. Right now still being winter and dry in the house my humidity is 33%. When they are in lock down I'll bring the humidity up.

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