Did anyone set eggs on June 9th? Wanna hatch with me?

Yay! You're first hatch! You will NEVER stop talking about chickens...so tell them to get used to it - lol - I annoy my husband everyday with my chicken lingo!
Good Luck on your first hatch, this is my first one too! I set them on 06/06/10....can't wait!! And, I too talk "chicken talk" all the time.....hahah......I know everyone thinks that's all I can talk anymore, but, I tell them that is what makes me happy....my chickens!! I love it!
Hee hee, Annejilli I can so relate...I am trying to remember that not everyone I work really cares about hearing details of each of my hatchings. But it does kind of bring balance to the birthing and menopause stories on a female majority staff:old

Back to hatching....we set 12 EE and 2 BA on June 5th. Local eggs from a farm we got our last hatch from. I am hoping to get some more EE pullets to add to our flock becuase the 5 week olds from the last hatch are such lovely birds (AmericaunaXBlack Australorp)(cept we have only 1 pullet and 3 roos from that hatch).

I candeled last night and took out I yolker and 1 quitter (about day 5)...quite pourous and I questioned setting it but it was a very pretty blue and DH wanted to give it a try. I am so hesitant to remove eggs but had one blow up and spew stinky all over the bator at lockdown as eggs were pipping and zipping... so now I am a bit paraonoid. Hubby always checks the removed ones for me as I don`t have the heart to see if I have made a drastic mistake....sofar 100% correct...whew!

So here we go...10 EE and 2 BA looking like they are developing as expected.
I don't want to hi-jack the thread, but I wanted to ask you guys if any will be vaccinating for Marek's? If so where do you get the vaccine? If I end up with no Americauna's I will probably buy some day old chicks and introducing to my hatchlings...I understand they day olds will be vaccinated but that they could've been exposed since they will have come from a hatchery. Soooo many things I don't know about hatching eggs (and chickens in general!). Candling tomorrow night...can't wait!!

My co-workers really are not that into all my "chicken speak" but I am constanly thinking chickens, and spend waaay too much time on the internet looking at chickens. A hardward store just down the street from where I work has some chickens that run around the plant section and I sneak out a few times a week to go look at them. I'm pathetic!
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EWWW...I haven't had one spew yet...but I am awful about keeping them in...I am always so afraid I am murdering one...lol.

I candled last night and I have around 27 out of 30 dancing around in the egg - AND THESE WERE SHIPPED EGGS! YAY!

I am soooooo happy - I love to watch them do the egg polka - lol....
I don't vaccinate for Marek's - if I had a HUGE flock then I would - the only thing you have to be careful about is buying chicks from another breeder. I always buy from breeders who are NPIP certified and I still check their flock out for issues before I bring my babies home...and THEN I isolate for 10 days before an introduction...but if you wanted to get a Marek's Vaccine I think you can get one from your local feed and grain store...don't quote me on that though....
Just spotted your post I have 13 lavender araucana and 2 pekin x ? in my bator. they went in on the 9th of June too. fantastic veining and movement in the 4 eggs that i have peeked at so far. Gonna check them all tonight
Hello! I am brand new to chickens. I just put 19 Welsummer eggs in my new incubator on June 10th. I don't have any chickens yet, these will be my first - and I'm very nervous.

You have found the greatest place for support and advice. I have learned so much on BYC.
It will be fun hatching with you. What kind of incubator are your hatching in?
Chickens are just so fun!

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