Did anyone set eggs on June 9th? Wanna hatch with me?

The power went out about 6:00am or 6:30am so DH turned on the generator for me. About 10:30am I went across the street to see if they have power but know one was home. Surly the power is back on and I turned the generator off.
I couldn't get the generator to come back on. Got in the car and went to the end of the road, there were 6 NES trucks, they were taking a poll down. I came back home to try again. The generator came on but couldn't get the power to work in the house.
unpluged the incubator and took it out side, it was about 90. the temp. came up to 94.6 for one hour before the power came back on. I don't know if there all dead or not. I set eggs 7 days ago.
I set a dozen very large brown eggs on the 10th I had bought from a store that had them refridgerated & atleast 8 of them are developing! So if they hatch it will be pretty cool, no idea what breed they are though!
Excitements in the air!!! My 9 year old grandson was over and we candled all 22 of the eggs in my bator. We found 19 to be growing and moving....you should have seen his face!! We ended up pulling out 3 of the eggs, they were not doing anything. We only have 9 more days to go! This is soooo much fun we started another bator and added 24 eggs to it. I am getting the "bug"....this is addicting!
Candled tonight and culled 4 of my ten eggs.
2 of the Americaunas and 2 of the Mille Fleurs...all had blood rings. Can't see into the Marans at all so I'll leave 'em for now..hopefully I'll get one or 2 chickies from them. My last Americauna egg doesn't look so good...no blood ring..but doesn't look like much going on. My last Mille Fleur has a little wiggler for sure though!
Hope it's not a roo!
We had a power outage on day 10 a couple hatches ago. It happened during the night so we did not catch it. Woke up 3 hours later and the bator temp was down to 70s. Yikes! I had a little stress out. Our power came back on shortly after so we figure it was off for 4 hours or so. The eggs did just fine and we had our first 100% hatch that time. I would not worry, I am sure your babies will be just fine too.
How is everyone doing?....I am looking forward to the up and coming babies

We have 4 more days until lockdown here...I will candle on day 18 and then

for the next few days!
Thinking already about integrating this new group with our flock....I know it is premature (please no jinx for thinking babies are already here
Today is the first day in 3 weeks that our `grown ups`have accepted our now 7 week old chicks. Looking forward to this hatch but not all the social/community chicken stuff.
Candled today and removed 8 of 14.
It was expected though, pretty old eggs. I just set them with a tiny hope that MAYBE I'll get something pure, we'll see. Six remaining.
I started 27 eggs on the 3rd of june.........7 where bad but 20 going strong ....Taking them off the turner this evening and going into lockdown ....Should be hatching by wens. or thurs. of this week ....a mix of breeds including a couple silkies
I set 30 eggs on the 9th - by the 15th I had a few yolkers, and a couple that quit or had blood rings - I ended up with 21. I candled again last night and all are well - but 2 are questionable...but not bad for shipped eggs
They are all due by the 30th - I can't wait!

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