Did I provoke my neighbor into this?

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So he assumes that since you have chickens your "filthy" What a jerk! Sorry you have to have neighbors like that. I feel blessed my neighbors all love my chickens. I have way too many to live in town, but I can because my neighbors don't say a work. Hope everything works out for ya!
We called Animal Control, the Zoning board, and the county extension office before we even looked at the 1st coop design. We spent a whole lotta money making the coop look nice so that it woudln't be an eyesore in the neighborhood, as well.

We talked to all of our neighbors before we got the chickens and everyone was fine with it. His wife knew months before we got them so I assumed he knew as well. When we got the chickens he raised sand, but decided that we could keep the chickens because his wife told him to drop it.

Now, that "we could keep" bugged us, honestly. We decided that since we knew legally we could have the chickens that he would have to do the research himself.

Should we present what we've found to him? Or should we just let him figure it out himself since he wants to be so neighborly?

Thanks for the advise about documenting. Now that the sun is up well I will start taking pics. If any poison gets on my property, I'll know it and I'm sure there is something I can do about that.
Yes, there are 3 small children in the area - two are mine and one is his.

I would never let my chickens onto his property anyway, because that would just be irresponsible on my part and I'm not one of those neighbors.
I do agree that your first response could have been about trying to find a median, but he went too far. I would put up a privacy fence and get a cochin rooster. They don't shut up and are lovely crowers
I would have a good friend write a promissory note to buy the chickens for x amount of dollars ($50 a head). Then show the neighbor. He has already threatened to poison them & if he goes through with it then he would be responsible for those damages. Then get a fence up that your birds can't get in his yard. In some states if the bird is in his yard & damages anything then he has the right to kill it others say a animal knows no boarders but hold the owner of that animal responsible.

I don't know if this is what you was looking for but hope it helps.
Yeah, we're filthy. We have chickens!

LOL...i must be down right disgusting then cause i have chickens in my house! in my dining room even.

My silkies that I bought at auction are in quarantine in my dining room in my brooder

o an my chicken named Sheppard who is just a mutt chicken she sleeps in my dining room too cause she gets picked on at night and they pluck her feathers out...
Yeah, I completely agree...

If my chicken got onto his property I would be williing to butcher it myself for him *not happily, though!* because it would be my fault. He is complaining because the chickens were comming close (not even touching) our adjoining fence.

There is a fence there... it divides our property. So they were never even close to going onto his side.

Thanks for your reply... I'm trying to get my witts about me before I start the day. Your replies are helping a lot.
Good fences make good neighbors. Tight lips make for good neighbors too. Picking fights with the people you cant get away from just makes your life miserable.

Theyre wrong, theyre insanely wrong. But your reply was a bit much. You could atleast pretend like you give a crap.

We have neighbors like that- its taken me a few years of sweet talking, but I've won them over. It was worth it to be the "stupid ignorant woman" in order to have peace and quite and no worries.

At this point though I'd call some sort of authority. The police, the human society, anyone who might be able to do anything about them not realizing the zoning laws, and threatening you, your children, your pets and your livestock with rat poison.

I'd of handled it differently, i prefer the path of least resistance, but once the can of worms is open I prefer to go at it teeth bared.

I cant believe they wouldnt have been won over by free eggs and the occasional chicken dinner. There's more tools out there than decent people, you've gotta learn to be deflective, instead of combative, or you'll end up with BP in the 200's and a coronary.
Sounds like he needs a good a-- kicking
if he carrys out any threats, make sure you document them so when your husband knocks his teeth out you wont have to pay the dentist bill! one thing that has always worked for me is make sure you are crazier than your worst neighbor and make sure they know that!
My neighbors think I'm the best neighbor in the world or the absolute worse....I give them all that option when they first moved here.
I let them choose!!

Example: My worse neighbor was in a motorcycle wreck and ended up with all kind of broken bones, well I cant stand this bunch they live on one acre right next to the road (no fence of any kind) and have always had several mutts running loose with countless # of cats. I have thirty acres across the road so where do his strays end up, yep on my place, mostly at night. I've had to kill several of his dogs and cats in the past and it really makes me PO because I'm a dog lover but I protect my farm animals AT ALL COST! Any way I surprised this bunch by pulling in his driveway one day, he was all bandaged up sitting on his front porch with the rest of the unfortunate bunch. Walked up on the porch and told them I knew he was out of work and if there was anything I could do to help just let me know...yep...good neighbor, they were all smiling a shuffling around like well hes finally got soft and we can act stupid again, well I noticed this so just to remind them as I turned to leave wishing him a speedy recovery I said oh yeah Tommorrow if I see that black mutt accross the road again I'm going to blow his a-- away, you take care now you here! They stopped grinning and just all sat there looking stupid again. Thats how you handle bad neighbors, you see he knows for a fact that I WILL do as I say without a doubt!
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