Did I provoke my neighbor into this?

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When he originally was against us having chickens I offered him free eggs. His reply was that a 50# bag of scratch cost $30 and they'll eat a bag of that a week, so for $30 he could buy a lot of eggs. No, my eggs aren't good enough for him.

Does anyone you know pay $30 for a bag of scratch...
Better yet, do 13 chickens go through a 50# bag of TREATS in a week?!?!?!

If ignorance is bliss... I'm sure he's happy.
Zoning laws say you can own chickens....do you live in a subdivision bound by covenants? If so, what do they say?

It sounds to me like there has been some bad blood between y'all in the past based on the reactions of both of you. I may have missed it, but who moved in first?
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Yes, we are zoned R2A (residental/agricultural) because we live near a marina. Our subdivision is an old one and there are no covenants that still apply. That was one of the things I checked on before we bought the place. There is no homeowner's association or anything like that. Just a bum that likes to run everybody's business. He puts "anonymous" notes in people's mailboxes telling them to cut their grass or pick up sticks from their yard.

Believe it or not, there has never been any "bad blood" between us other than me having chickens. We've always been friendly, if not friends.

I'm sorry he didn't check to see if there were neighborhood by-laws/covenants, but because he didn't I shouldn't have to live by the ones he makes up as he goes. Ya know?

We were here long before he was.
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I am a preacher but sometime the red neck gets a little strong inside me.....

I would take the email where he uses the word "N*****" and print it out and take it to the press....He would have to move....then put chickens in his backyard till someone buys the house.....

I wouldnt really do that but it would work....
Edited to remove reference to PETA. No PETA posts, period!​
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I agree. Between using a horrible racial slur and the threat of the rat poison, I think it is a situation that should involve the police. If someone is going to use that type of word in an email of all places, what are they going to do in person?? There is something not right with that person.

We got a good laugh out of that.

Didn't you just love the part in the e-mail where he uses the term "Christian" to point out that we were not doing what he wanted!
Yes, we are zoned R2A (residental/agricultural) because we live near a marina. Our subdivision is an old one and there are no covenants that still apply. That was one of the things I checked on before we bought the place. There is no homeowner's association or anything like that. Just a bum that likes to run everybody's business. He puts "anonymous" notes in people's mailboxes telling them to cut their grass or pick up sticks from their yard.

Believe it or not, there has never been any "bad blood" between us other than me having chickens. We've always been friendly, if not friends.

I'm sorry he didn't check to see if there were neighborhood by-laws/covenants, but because he didn't I shouldn't have to live by the ones he makes up as he goes. Ya know?

We were here long before he was.

That is what I was wondering....no covenants. Do what you can to protect your chickens and document everything just in case.

Can you have a goat to help keep the grass cut down between mowings? lol
I keep reading about the OP not being tactful. I'd be snippy too with the use of:

everything's been fine as they've been in the cage in the corner of your house. But I really have to protest about seeing them running around by my fence in the backyard. There are reasons people move into neighborhoods and one reason is to get away from crap like that. I'm sorry but it's trashy. I have to protect my property value and chickens weren't in the equation when I bought this property. Please keep them in the pen and away from my property line. I'm not wanting to cause trouble, but really, think about your neighbors."

I believe the neighbor could have used more tact, then to come back with racial slurs, HOLLY HANNAH! I'd be ticked, and the OP has every right to be as well. The chickens weren't IN his yard, they weren't destroying his property. He sounds like an azz.

Not to mention- an EMAIL?!?!? Whatever happened to TALKING to your neighbors?
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Something else to document. That is actually a type of mail fraud. Not that you could prove it was him, but keep them any way.
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