Did one of my pullets get a sex change?


8 Years
Mar 19, 2016
35.111165 -81.226586
My Coop
My Coop
OK, I know that most sexing techniques aren't 100%, and there was always the chance that one of my future hens could start crowing instead of laying. I think that just might be the case with one ogf my EEs, but i would like some second, third and so on opinions. It's comb is redder than the other chicks, it is at least 50% larger and I'm not completely sure but i think I might be seeing some curl in it's tail feathers. Please excuse the pictures, they are the best I could get with the available light.

How old is it? Can you get a better picture of the tail?
It's not easy with these guys, they aren't exactly camera-friendly. I tried many times to get a properly posed image in which they don't move when the 'shutter clicks'. The two posted above are the best of twelve separate attempts. I did get some success with short video...

They are all currently 8-9 weeks old.
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How old is it? Can you get a better picture of the tail?
Finally got a reasonable close-up of the tail.

...and another of it's comb.

The chick in question is the one with it's head down, pecking at the feed.

So you think she may actually be a he? Great, I just had to get rid of a rooster (not as easy as it sounds)!
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Oh well, I guess I'll keep the friendlier of the two. I did get more than intended for "attritiion"...

And If one of the hens should get broody I would rather the cock be an Easter Egger than an Australorp anyway, better chance of getting more colored egg layers, right?

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