Did you build your own coop or buy one already made?

Tried for a few months to find a pre-fab coop we liked to save me the trouble. Most were too small, and the cost generally increased exponentially with small increases in size (and quality). Really glad I ended up making it myself. The biggest advantage I think was that I got to make it just how I wanted, with much higher quality, and still saved a few bucks.
Ours was a prefab, but compared to a lot out there that we ran into this was very cheap (but still very good quality). We are very happy with ours. I put the run together myself and still have some things to tweak on the coop and run.

My first time I built my own. It started out 4x4 and I later added a 8x4 extension onto it.

This time I cheated. I bought a pre fabricated 10x16 shed and added 4 more windows to it. It was way too expensive, I'll never earn enough in egg sales to recoup the cost. But I do have a nice, solid shed with a steel roof that will last for many years.
The 40x40 pole shed and barn was here, my husband built me a couple of nice coop pens, he also built me my turkey shed, well I helped, I call myself nurse Betty during any construction.

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