Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

Was that the reason you drew on yourself? My Dad used to draw things for me. I especially remember the indians he drew. And he used to tell us bedtime stories of the three billy goats gruff, and an Indian named Falling Rocks.
No. I do silly things because I'm an adult, and no one can tell me no. :D
But my initial reason was because the fridge was covered, and she didn't want me to erase anything. My legs and face were available.
Was that the reason you drew on yourself? My Dad used to draw things for me. I especially remember the indians he drew. And he used to tell us bedtime stories of the three billy goats gruff, and an Indian named Falling Rocks.
Did you know I still have that book, The Three Billy Goats Gruff!
Did you know that we are in the mists of Chicken liquidation?
47 hens sold this morning. 7 Roosters gone. 18 dozen eggs sold.
ALSO 6 piglets re homed. I guy is SUPPOSED to be here to buy 20-30 Roosters in a couple hours. Not holding my breath on that one.
Did you know, 3 out of 5 callers from Craigslist Ads say that they are coming but don't even bother to call and say they can't make it. Today, everyone did what they said they would do. I AM AMAZED.. :hmm
Did you know that we are in the mists of Chicken liquidation?
47 hens sold this morning. 7 Roosters gone. 18 dozen eggs sold.
ALSO 6 piglets re homed. I guy is SUPPOSED to be here to buy 20-30 Roosters in a couple hours. Not holding my breath on that one.
Did you know, 3 out of 5 callers from Craigslist Ads say that they are coming but don't even bother to call and say they can't make it. Today, everyone did what they said they would do. I AM AMAZED.. :hmm

I do not believe everyone that said they were coming from CL, actually came.... Impossible....Are you having a moonshine liquidation too?
I do not believe everyone that said they were coming from CL, actually came.... Impossible....Are you having a moonshine liquidation too?

Still one to go Ralphie. BTW... did you know that hubby said I couldn't get ducks in the Spring until all the surplus chickens & turkeys are gone!
37 Roos and 20 something pullets to go. Then you will start seeing my duck ponds pics... Are you excited for me?
I will still have over 60 egg makers in the big house(MY KEEPERS), maybe 70. I am taking all my chosen breeders out of the breeding houses and placing back with the 54 that are living there. Breeding season is officially ended. Except pre pay.


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