Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

Connie, them's a lot of chicken nuggets.
Currently only 54. Another 20 something will be added around Dec.
or Did You Know that already?
All my breeders in the other houses will go back into population as the Temps slowly drop. No need to breed right now.
Almost all the the young pullets are gone! :woot The last 10 girls go Sunday to a repeat buyer..
About 30 males left. I get calls on them but most want to have a 6/7 month roo for $3 or less.
I might as well give the callers a 5 bags of grain for 3 bucks..
Final preparations for a bbq thingy this weekend. When the dust settles from that.. Harvest time. It's going to be a lot of work.
Did you know I happened to have an extra freezer chest that is currently empty?
That sounds like a make-work project.:th AND expensive!
She'd probably die on the way there. She'll be 35 soon. She's too stubborn to die.:confused:
We had a horse survive to be 40 before kicking the bucket. She was my great Grandma's pal, was her last saddle horse. Grandma died not long after her horse. They were quite a pair, a crusty old cowgirl and her best friend.
Looking to buy a new woodburning tool, this cheap one is pretty much shot. There are so many available, it is hard to know what to choose.
W/O going back to look, doesn't your's have a plastic body? I prefer cork (if it's still available); doesn't get the body uncomfortably warm, as I recall.

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