Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

Did you know that even knowing NOTHING else about guineas, I knew they were trouble?

Also, DYK that it doesn't take much time screwing 2x4 welded wire fencing 9 feet in the air to end up with sore hands and shoulders? (Should have my run predator "proofed" this weekend. I'm sore, but it's happy sore.)

DYK 4,532 different breeds of predators can get through 2x4 wire?

and I did know hanging wire is hard on hands, shoulders backs and a wife demeanor.....And DYK asking "what's for supper" after her helping hang wire is not a good thing to ask???

Wanna ask me how I know?
DYK 4,532 different breeds of predators can get through 2x4 wire?

and I did know hanging wire is hard on hands, shoulders backs and a wife demeanor.....And DYK asking "what's for supper" after her helping hang wire is not a good thing to ask???

Wanna ask me how I know?
I DID know all of that! Wanna ask me how I know? :lau
36 tomorrow night. . . brrr
I'm gonna have to break out the footed pajamas!:lau

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