Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

and you? what I do?
or not do?

no really? when? Did you know I knew that but its not what I meant?
i am behind yet again

Did you know I have no actual internet for the next 4-5 days??? An overlarge semi went flying down the road and was too big for the wires and ripped all my wires out. I'm currently using my cell phone as a wifi hot spot in order to make this post.
that sucks!! do oyu have power at least?

Did you know that I was about to write off all the eggs in my incubator, one little buff silkie hatched. He's drying off in the brooder.

It is the sign for me
לילה טוב
Good Night!!

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