Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

So dig a deep hole in the ground. Wrap pig in tarp. Cover with ice. Bury in dirt. Stays cold longer.
Sounds practical. Dogs and swine dig down to stay cool.
Did you know we have a chest from an old ice cream truck?, it looks just like a freezer chest but without a compressor. it will hold ice for a week. We use it to hold 7 bags of 50 lb grain when not in use for Cold Storage.
Sounds practical. Dogs and swine dig down to stay cool.
Did you know we have a chest from an old ice cream truck?, it looks just like a freezer chest but without a compressor. it will hold ice for a week. We use it to hold 7 bags of 50 lb grain when not in use for Cold Storage.

Why dig a hole set the pig on the front porch and it will be frozen solid in 2 hours today!

Oh, wait you're a Southie and can't do that......:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau
Did you know I do not have a living Mango tree here after the cold hit last night?

I am going to have to buy mangoes now, no more fresh ones..
Did you know that mother nature did not intend mangoes to grow in Minnesota?
God didn't make little green apples and there is no mangoes in Minnesota in the winter time.......sing it with me Ralphie..

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