Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

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Did you know swine have insatiable appetites?:rolleyes:
:idunnoMaybe a little heads up on this would have been nice! Then I wouldn't of had to be up at 4am! :barnie
"I'm sorry, so sorry, that I was such a fool"
Be glad you didn't have DW's problem. She works for the local school board, on a bus carrying special needs kids to Baltimore. She normally gets up about 4:30; out the door by 5:00. This morning she'd been gone no more than a couple minutes when she was notified that Baltimore Co. schools were 2 hrs. delayed, so she had to turn around & come back home for two hours, then start all over.
Did you know that we got our meat from the processor today? Freezers are packed. Didn't have time to do an inventory list.
We had some of the chops cut 1.5" thick.. gunna stuff them with yumminess.
They only weighed 250# each. Good slaughter weight but no belly bacon.. just enough to complement the spare rib tips.
Anymore want to come over for a little BBQ? High time..
Yes I did. DYK this could be Florida's LAST "spring ahead"? They are going to abolish it, so I've heard.
They wanted to do it in New England and N.Y. too.
DYK young ducklings are messy? That is an understatement. I should have waited until April to purchase them.
DYK that I change out the brooder once a day for only 3 little booger butts?
Yes. DYK that Duckling is my niece, and the nephew I was raising is Booger Butt? :lau

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