Difference in comb size between hens of same breed?

I was going to start a thread to ask this exact same question with my RIR's. Found this though and appreciate all the knowledge. I think I'm clear now that they are truly just maturing at different rates. I have 3 that are 24 weeks, 3 that are 20weeks. Some have started laying, I doubt any of the 20 weekers as I've seen 2 of the 24 weekers for sure laying.

My question is about the 20 weekers. 2 of them are not maturing near as fast as the 3rd. Here are pics of 2 of them, 1 that is not mature, and the 1 that is. All in all out of the 6, I have 4 that are looking great, then the 2 that just dont have much head junk yet - lol... But you're saying that this normal - correct? They are truly just maturing at different rates ??? My boyfriend keeps calling the 2 that are not maturing - red tails hawks in disguise! He says they are spies!

Thanks for any feedback!

So really, It's not wierd that these 2 are same age, from same place but look so different? thanks!


How interesting!! What a good thread to read! Always wondering the same thing, my girls are all different sizes but the same age. Like with other animals where this often happens, I figured they were "runts". I even thought at one point that maybe my big one was a roo! Thanks for posting this!!!
I had a white leghorn roo at that same age that was very much a rooster in every aspect. Yours is a hen.

I had the same question about my two Blue Andalusian hens. One has matured in the wattle/comb, the other is still a youngster. Same age, same hatchery, BUT I guess different moms?

Well, congratulations on having two hens!
Yeah, I definitely have a lesson learned about feed store purchases vs. local guy with big farm. The 3 that I got from him are gorgeous and all matured at same time, laying, sweet.... It's the feedstore 3 that you really just dont know... 1 is sweet and maturing well (the 2nd pic above), but the other 2 are not maturing fast at all and 1 of them isnt very nice! That's why my boyfriend keeps calling them red tailed hawks, they just seem SO different than the rest. I'll just give them time, but It's been interesting and educational that if I had alot of chickens and if I were doing meat + layers, the 2 slackers would probably be meat.... Whew, good thing my little boy didnt hear me say that!
Thanks SO MUCH for all the opinions, everyone. She turned out to be a hen. Today when I walked up to her, she did the classic laying-age-hen-squat. So I think that pretty much confirms it, right?

Thanks again!

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