Difficulty of Muscovy Incubating?

I've done 5 clutches of 6 each so far. Only 1 survived each hatch. The rest would pip and quit and it's highly frustrating. I've done quail and chickens with absolutely no problems (90- 100% hatch rate), I'm not sure what's going wrong with the muscovies.

Not sure if this helps, maybe only as a guide as to what I did to have such an abysmal hatch rate: 99.5 forced air. Dry incubation (it's moderately humid where I am and adding water causes the weird amber goo to show up) Auto turner until day 27 (for some reason all of mine start internally pipping around day 29-31. Learned from the first clutch of mostly malpositions to take them out of the autoturner a little earlier just in case.

I still have 2 more clutches--one was partially artificially incubated by me to day 25 but after the crappy hatch rate, I put them under a broody to finish (I figured she can't do worse than me at this point). Another broody is sitting on a clutch she's incubating all by herself. If the partially incubated clutch mostly come out okay, then I think something about lockdown/the incubator hatching process is amiss. If they still pip and die, it's most likely the incubation process.

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