Diplomatic Chickens


Nov 23, 2014
Headland, AL
I had 6 Buff Orpington until August 1. Since the death of the (ranked # 2) chicken, my beloved Flo, there have only been two eggs which came out of the same chicken two days later. Interestingly enough, #4 at the time jumped to # 2 position. Smallest bird in the flock. Apparently size does not mater! No eggs for over 2 months since Flo’s death. She was very social and she was the friendliest bird with me and did sit on my lap often. I don’t know if that has any bearing on the disruption. They did not see her dead. I took her to Auburn veterinary school Pet hospital and there was no hope short of iffy surgery and at two years old, I decided to have her put down after a few more weeks of somewhat lethargic behavior. (She was an internal layer) II’ve also noticed that the No. 5 Chicken who happens to be the largest one and has always been at the bottom of the totem pole; displays very diplomatic behavior. I was somewhat shocked to see her stop eating the crickets I’ll bring home on occasion. She will only peck them and give them to the other chickens. She will also collect seeds on her break and let the other most dominant chickens eat them! I am amazed at how social these creatures are. Just some thoughts

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