dirty birds


7 Years
May 5, 2013
Deep South
My Coop
My Coop
My pullets R about 3.5 mos old. They R DIRTY!!! The white ones r gray; the reds r dull, like they're dusty. How do I get/keep my girls clean? Or should I let them run around au naturale?
I Wash Mine In A Gentle Soap For Babies, Then Do A Diluted Vinegar Dip And Then Rinse. I Use Luke Warm Water...But They Do Get A Little "Loopy" When I Bathe Them, So Be Careful To Keep Their Heads Above Water...Ya Like They Go Into Their Dust Bath Trance...Lol. Funny To See, But Dangerous When Bathing.
I Wash Mine In A Gentle Soap For Babies, Then Do A Diluted Vinegar Dip And Then Rinse. I Use Luke Warm Water...But They Do Get A Little "Loopy" When I Bathe Them, So Be Careful To Keep Their Heads Above Water...Ya Like They Go Into Their Dust Bath Trance...Lol. Funny To See, But Dangerous When Bathing.

Thank you. Is that something they like or get used to? I'd have to catch mine with a net, and they do NOT like the net. (I was so glad I wasn't going to have to use it anymore when my frizzle was able to get out of the coop on her own. So, I don't really want to go back to chasing them around the yard with it. KWIM?)
Mine Seem To Like It...My Dog Loves It Because He Loves To lick Them Dry...Lol. Can You Get Close To The Chickens? I Sit And Feed Them From My Hand. I Had To Make Them Come To Me Instead Of Me Chasing Them Because I've Had Both Hips Replaced At 33...So Chasing Them Isn't An Option For Me. But I Raised Them From Chicks Too. I Did Have To Catch One With A Fishing Net Once Though...Quick Little Bugger I Got For My Birthday (Full Grown Silkie)...He Busted Right Through It...Lol...I Bet I Was A Sight.
Mine Seem To Like It...My Dog Loves It Because He Loves To lick Them Dry...Lol. Can You Get Close To The Chickens? I Sit And Feed Them From My Hand. I Had To Make Them Come To Me Instead Of Me Chasing Them Because I've Had Both Hips Replaced At 33...So Chasing Them Isn't An Option For Me. But I Raised Them From Chicks Too. I Did Have To Catch One With A Fishing Net Once Though...Quick Little Bugger I Got For My Birthday (Full Grown Silkie)...He Busted Right Through It...Lol...I Bet I Was A Sight.

I guess I could get them eating from my hand, but they've been scared of me since they were in a box in my utility room (that's where we were able to set up the heat lamp and such for them inside the house, until I got their coop built). Anyway, they still act like I'm gonna eat them. :(
Is bathing necessary or are they clean enough and just look dirty from dust "baths"? KWIM? What about a bird bath? Would that work?
I'm more than willing to do whatever any of my animals needs; I just need to know whether they need soap-and-water baths or what.

BTW, thank you so much for your help and answers!!!
Also, both hips replaced at 33?!?!?! Wow!

Oh, my kids feed them by hand, but the chickens also peck at them sometimes too. They don't break the skin, but IDK how to train a chicken. KWIM?
I taught my kids to bop them on the head when they bit too hard. I have one hen that doesn't like me at all. She pecks hard and has drawn blood, trying to get my freckles and tattoos. She don't bother the kids though. I think it's a dominance thing. As far as bathing goes, I just do it when it gets really hot or they start getting dust bath cakes on them. My grandmother never bathed hers, so I don't think they have to have it...I just like doing it and they look so much prettier. Mine free range all day, so you can imagine what they sometimes get into. I have kinda spoiled my house because I leave my doors open for the dogs to have free range in and out. I would watch TV or read with a chicken in my lap on the couch. Now they think they run the place...napping on the couch, under my feet when I cook begging for scraps, even jumping on my dining table to steal fruit from the fruit bowl and running 3 pit bulls out from the dog food bowls...lol. I even found my youngest putting Barbie bikinis on chix. If I we're you and the kids feed them by hand, I'd have the kids to catch them for me. Then maybe they will stop associating you with being a giant with a net...lol.
I taught my kids to bop them on the head when they bit too hard. I have one hen that doesn't like me at all. She pecks hard and has drawn blood, trying to get my freckles and tattoos. She don't bother the kids though. I think it's a dominance thing. As far as bathing goes, I just do it when it gets really hot or they start getting dust bath cakes on them. My grandmother never bathed hers, so I don't think they have to have it...I just like doing it and they look so much prettier. Mine free range all day, so you can imagine what they sometimes get into. I have kinda spoiled my house because I leave my doors open for the dogs to have free range in and out. I would watch TV or read with a chicken in my lap on the couch. Now they think they run the place...napping on the couch, under my feet when I cook begging for scraps, even jumping on my dining table to steal fruit from the fruit bowl and running 3 pit bulls out from the dog food bowls...lol. I even found my youngest putting Barbie bikinis on chix. If I we're you and the kids feed them by hand, I'd have the kids to catch them for me. Then maybe they will stop associating you with being a giant with a net...lol.

This might seem sterile, b/c I'm going to go in the order you typed your reply. :) Here goes...

I'll teach my kids the same thing (to bop them on the head). I wonder if your hen who pecks at your freckles/tats "thinks" they're bugs and/or is trying to get rid of your parasites/clean you. KWIM? (means Know What I Mean) (Glad she doesn't bother the kids)
Mine free range all day too (although not in the house), but have yet to get into anything really nasty. They're just gray instead of white, but I'll keep an eye on them (and tell the kids to as well). Having the kids catch them for me is a good idea. FUNNY about your kids putting Barbie bikinis on chix!!! lol
Thank you so much!!! You've bee a GREAT help to me!!! :-D

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