dirty butt

My chickens are the same way. Some of them have runny poop. But they are all really active, accept for my poor Red. I give them yogurt on the average once a week or every other week. I also have been giving them cooked oatmeal, lettuce, tomatoes and on occasion bread. I think they are spoiled. Sometimes they get so excited that when I enter the coop some of them will jump up and try to get to the bowl I'm holding. Crazy birds.
One of my four hens is having the same problem. It has been occurring for a couple weeks. She was laying soft shelled eggs at onset but is now back to her normal laying. The messy vent persists. I would like to help her. It has not spread to the other birds. I have attached a couple pictures. Her waste seems soft and runs down her skin / feathers. Any ideas?
wow, i have never heard of fly strike!!!! i am going to inspect her butt more thoroughly... yuk. I have seen others put D.E. powdered form out in the coop run. Do any of you have this is yours? Will that help with prevent Flystrike? i do have a sand box in my run and they love it.. but no D.E.. What say you?
That is how my gal Trixies rear looks, except she is White so it looks worse.. ewww! Anyway.. HOW do you BATHE a chicken?
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wow, i have never heard of fly strike!!!! i am going to inspect her butt more thoroughly... yuk. I have seen others put D.E. powdered form out in the coop run. Do any of you have this is yours? Will that help with prevent Flystrike? i do have a sand box in my run and they love it.. but no D.E.. What say you?
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That is how my gal Trixies rear looks, except she is White so it looks worse.. ewww!  Anyway.. HOW do you BATHE a chicken?

You put it in a washtub of water. Don't have to use soap but you can, any dish soap, sparingly. Just have the water come deep enough that their tummies are in it but you don't want to drown them lol. Takes a bit of soaking to get that dried poop off sometimes.

My fluffy butted orps get that a lot. The Butt Stripe I mean. I generally don't worry about it much but if it gets really really bad, then I wash them. And trust me, there's plenty I'd rather do than wash a chicken's behind! So they aren't exactly kept spotless.

Don't panic about fly strike, please! It CAN happen but usually doesn't. It's just something to watch out for if there's a LOT of nasty poop stuck back there.
thank you so much for the washing info...she will probably flip clucking out! I will do an inspection while washing. i do think its just dirt, am hoping anyway!

This is trixie.. no pix of rear view!
Hi title town chickens, or anyone on BYC

I was wondering if anybody actually told you what was happening to your poor chicken?
The reason i ask is because one of my girls has the exact same symptoms and looks exactly the same.
If you know what it is or was can you please inform me.
Thank you very much
It's winter here now, about 2 degrees celcius, dry, and no flies to be found anywhere.
Thank again
Usually it happens because they have runny poops. The reasons for them to have runny poops are too numerous to mention. It can be everything from illness to a food that makes them just do that to a weak system. But the fix is the same no matter. If they always have that, they always will usually. I say Usually because I started the fermented feed regimen and it stopped that. Do a search for Fermented feed here and you'll find a few threads, most notably the Fermented feeds for meat birds one.

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