Distended crop, feels like air

Optimus Pollo

10 Years
Jul 7, 2013
I have a 4 month old bantam chick with a greatly distended crop. Feels just like air. After a few hours in watchful isolation she has not pooped once. I have injectable baytril and also some powder antibiotics i got at the feed store to be put in water. Don't remember what it's called right now. Not sure what is the route to go. Held her upside down and massaged crop to remove some of what is in there. just looks like partially digested crumble. Any experience would be appreciated!
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Maybe she just has eaten a lot today. Are you sure there is a problem? I would check her in the morning before she eats--the crop should be empty. Then, if it is full, I would probably give her a tespoonful of vegetable oil by mouth, limit her intake for 24 hours to water, and massage her crop several times a day. There arenumerous threads on sour/impacted crop.
After reading more, sounds like sour crop. Her crop was massively distended, it is noticeable at first glance. I checked the other chickens and no one else is displaying similar symptoms. I brought her inside due to the 115 degree temps possibly stressing her more. After clearing he crop last night i encouraged her to eat some yogurt and i put probiotics in her water. After about 6 hours, she finally pooped. Crop is reduced this morning but still very large and ballon like. After massaging this morning again, nothing else came up. She is willingly eating yogurt now. I think I'll put he back outside tomorrow if she continues to improve.

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