Disturbing chick order

I had a postsl worker last year that was very nonchalant about one of my orders being delayed over the weekend. It really sucked, especially since our regular postal guy was in on that monday and knew what that silent box meant
There was a mix up with the postal warehouse and our chicks last year. The hatchery took all their chicks to the warehouse as usual and after they had unloaded about half of the truck, the postal service informed them that there was an embargo on shipping live animals. At that point our chicks were already somewhere in the warehouse. They got hung in the "system" for a week.😔 Our postal lady called and was quite upset because she also knew what the silent box meant. The hatchery called us immediately after they realized what had happened. Everyone was very understanding and compassionate.
Yes the order is cancelled. But I'm not satisfied, I want that staff person educated or fired. My contact with TSC corporate has just begun. They pissed off the wrong farmer!
All hail the mighty factory farm, all of the convenience and none of the compassion. You have my best wishes! Maybe a petition could get started, demanding that every employee who works with the chicks must attend an educational seminar first. Best of luck, and if that petition gets going, I'll sign! ♥️
All hail the mighty factory farm, all of the convenience and none of the compassion. You have my best wishes! Maybe a petition could get started, demanding that every employee who works with the chicks must attend an educational seminar first. Best of luck, and if that petition gets going, I'll sign! ♥️
I‘m an anthropologist who has done research on these types of subjects. What happens to unsold chicks at places like that…. it really should be criminal. It’s all about greed, not about living animals. Very inhumane. Those of us who order chicks, or buy them at stores, are saving a very small number. I think “hatch-to-order” would ultimately be the best practice to avoid having to violently dispose of the huge excess of chicks that they irresponsibly hatch.
I‘m an anthropologist who has done research on these types of subjects. What happens to unsold chicks at places like that…. it really should be criminal. It’s all about greed, not about living animals. Very inhumane. Those of us who order chicks, or buy them at stores, are saving a very small number. I think “hatch-to-order” would ultimately be the best practice to avoid having to violently dispose of the huge excess of chicks that they irresponsibly hatch.
That is a great idea!!! Hatch-to-order, yes!

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