Dixie Chicks

,   I think we are going to try raised beds next year.  3 years we have worked, amended, planted our garden.  Only to end up with an armload of goodies.  Drainage is our main issue.  We cant put drainage pipes in there though due to septic tank is on one side, & leach lines in the back.

, You get more rain?  We did.  So Sick of RAIN!

Gotta get DD up & ready for school.  Then laundry, dishes, and much more fun on my day off:rolleyes: .   Have a good day everyone!
yep, got LOTS of rain. Nice and mucky smelling this morning!
@Outpost JWB
Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I finally have my flock thinned to a good number. I am at 12 total and have a good variety. I'm also still working on thinning out my bunny herd too. Just have alot going on with being preggo! And all I want to do is sleep all of the time! I'm so ready for the fall to be here.
@bellablueyes , Awesome! Glad your doing good though. Pregnancy is very tiring! So is parenthood! You lose a lot of sleep either way. I need to thin out my rabbit #s too. DH promised he would.....UMMMM. About that.

Question for anyone/everyone: I'm having an issue with my pullets pen. It seems every time it rains hard, they will not go under cover, get soaked & a small corner of their pen gets a small puddle in it. The issue is that they are dropping like flies. These are mostly purchased from day old chicks at the feed store. They were all vaccinated. And I feed them medicated chick starter. They are 4-5 months old. Last month you all may remember I lost 3 (I think). Then a few weeks ago, one got real sick, she eventually died as well. Tonight I pulled out 3 that are barely breathing. 2 more that are iffy. They were all fine this morning. I did notice one cockerel normally had a very red comb was pale this morning, but he was acting fine from what I seen. When we went out to feed this afternoon 3 look like they are dead and 2 are hunched over and all 5 are getting trampled. When they get sick, their wings drop. Both sides. They stand hunched up. I've not added any chickens to the place for months. Any ideas? I treated them tonight with corid. I have not seen any signs of coccidiosis in their poop though. Just trying to eliminate whatever it is. I'm going to work on the pen this weekend and hopefully get them to go inside when it rains.
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, Awesome!  Glad your doing good though.   Pregnancy is very tiring! So is parenthood!  You lose a lot of sleep either way. I need to thin out my rabbit #s too.  DH promised he would.....UMMMM.  About that.

Question for anyone/everyone:  I'm having an issue with my pullets pen.   It seems every time it rains hard, they will not go under cover, get soaked & a small corner of their pen gets a small puddle in it.  The issue is that they are dropping like flies.  These are mostly purchased from day old chicks at the feed store.  They were all vaccinated.  And I feed them medicated chick starter.  They are 4-5 months old.  Last month you all may remember I lost 3 (I think).  Then a few weeks ago, one got real sick, she eventually died as well.  Tonight I pulled out 3 that are barely breathing.  2 more that are iffy.  They were all fine this morning.  I did notice one cockerel normally had a very red comb was pale this morning, but he was acting fine from what I seen.  When we went out to feed this afternoon 3 look like they are dead and 2 are hunched over and all 5 are getting trampled.  When they get sick, their wings drop.  Both sides.  They stand hunched up.  I've not added any chickens to the place for months.  Any ideas?  I treated them tonight with corid.  I have not seen any signs of coccidiosis in their poop though.  Just trying to eliminate whatever it is.  I'm going to work on the pen this weekend and hopefully get them to go inside when it rains.

Sounds like Aspergillosis could be a possibility... mold and fungus love those conditions...
Thanks @RavynFallen , I should have mentioned, their breathing is fine. (Until they die.) The pen is literally very open. One side is chain link fence. I have pallets all around the other sides and the top is a bird netting. They have plenty of cover to go under boards as well as a dog house but do not go under cover for whatever reason.....birdbrains!
, Awesome!  Glad your doing good though.   Pregnancy is very tiring! So is parenthood!  You lose a lot of sleep either way. I need to thin out my rabbit #s too.  DH promised he would.....UMMMM.  About that.

Question for anyone/everyone:  I'm having an issue with my pullets pen.   It seems every time it rains hard, they will not go under cover, get soaked & a small corner of their pen gets a small puddle in it.  The issue is that they are dropping like flies.  These are mostly purchased from day old chicks at the feed store.  They were all vaccinated.  And I feed them medicated chick starter.  They are 4-5 months old.  Last month you all may remember I lost 3 (I think).  Then a few weeks ago, one got real sick, she eventually died as well.  Tonight I pulled out 3 that are barely breathing.  2 more that are iffy.  They were all fine this morning.  I did notice one cockerel normally had a very red comb was pale this morning, but he was acting fine from what I seen.  When we went out to feed this afternoon 3 look like they are dead and 2 are hunched over and all 5 are getting trampled.  When they get sick, their wings drop.  Both sides.  They stand hunched up.  I've not added any chickens to the place for months.  Any ideas?  I treated them tonight with corid.  I have not seen any signs of coccidiosis in their poop though.  Just trying to eliminate whatever it is.  I'm going to work on the pen this weekend and hopefully get them to go inside when it rains.

I would put a pallet over the wet spot.... And figure out why they hate their coop... Maybe start feeding them treats inside the coop....

If I couldn't figure out how to get them to spend more time in the coop and out of the rain I would put a rain shelter where they hang out... Giant picnic umbrella, a table, a piece of plywood leaned up against a chair... Whatever... Rain shelter.

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