DIY feed

Anyone here make their own chicken feed? I saw some videos on YouTube about it and I think it sounds like a really great idea? Does anyone have a recipes they use or can direct me to where to get more information. My chicks are still on starter feed so I have time but I like the idea of making my own feed
I don't know much about chickens but you could partially make a DIY by mixing a seed blend which consists of grains and seeds that are nutritionally balanced for them and mix in some protein. (etc bugs, pea protein, soybean meal.) and give them veggies. I am also experimenting with making my own feed for quail, (although I am using commercial feed, its not the weird pellets.) I found it cheapest to find a seed blend for quail that consists of grains and seeds, so I'd reccomend finding something like that for your chickens if you wish to give them something other than pellets. Just make sure you can provide the correct nutrition for chickens, so you may want to do some research
I saw one recipe that seemed simple all equal parts 50 pound Bags of whole corn oats black oil sunflower seeds and then dog/ cat food grain free with a protein other than chicken

No offense to her but this really sounds like "Becky's Homestead, Becky." ??? Don't do it. I really liked her video's when I found them years ago and I did it. I mean she does make it look like a no brainer, better quaility than commercial feed. My flock of 10 suffered. Laying stopped, early molt, pale, for sure health decline. I'll never do that again. If you do follow her recipe, give it as a treat/scratch. I still like the idea of the extra protein TREAT in winter but I don't like the idea of rolled oats, that's for horses. Just spare yourself, seriously.
No offense to her but this really sounds like "Becky's Homestead, Becky." ??? Don't do it. I really liked her video's when I found them years ago and I did it. I mean she does make it look like a no brainer, better quaility than commercial feed. My flock of 10 suffered. Laying stopped, early molt, pale, for sure health decline. I'll never do that again. If you do follow her recipe, give it as a treat/scratch. I still like the idea of the extra protein TREAT in winter but I don't like the idea of rolled oats, that's for horses. Just spare yourself, seriously.
I think oat groats are better for poultry than rolled oats..

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