DIY Floating Duck Palace.....

I realize this is an old post, and the OP doesn't appear to be around any more, but this is exactly what I want for my ducks.

My only question is the use of treated lumber for the base. I thought they say treated contains arsenic or something and I wonder if that might be bad for the pond and the ducks?? Anyone have any thoughts?
Awesome work.

I was looking to make something similar, but I can't get a feel for how big the house is.

What size is the base of the Duck house? And how long is the length of a single wall?

Thank you!
Awesome work.

I was looking to make something similar, but I can't get a feel for how big the house is.

What size is the base of the Duck house? And how long is the length of a single wall?

Thank you!

I don't think the original poster has been around for a while. I found this thread some time ago and love it, and plan to make something just like it. I would also like to know sizes, but I think it really depends on how many ducks you have.
I have six ducks.

I'm going to start de-engineering, by making the parameter walls and drafting it out on the ground, with scarp or cardboard to get a feel for the size, and make adjustments.

It looks like the door is in a one foot segment, then a 18 inch segment follows x 4.

Once It's a size I think will hold six ducks comfortably I think the rest come together from there. I'd be happy to post pics and my plans afterward.

It's nice design, credit to the original poster.
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Starting with scrap and cardboard is a great idea! Will make it a lot easier to make adjustments. I'd have it half done, then look at it and say "this is way to small".... then have to start all over haha.

Yes, please post pics and your sizes. Mine will only need to house 4 ducks... unless I hatch more before summer! haha

Oh, one thing I believe I will change from the original design.... I want the ducks to have multiple exits. Even if they have to weave their way around a wall, they will learn how. I don't want one trapped in a corner with only one way out. There are some clever predators that will risk getting in water, and I don't want my ducks to not have another way out. And I don't think I will use as many dividers, or I will just make more openings in them. My ducks like to pile together. I'm not sure they would use individual rooms.
"Treated wood" no longer contains arsenic! thank goodness! There's probably enough toxic chemical, runoff on these lake front lawns to be of concern though, some of these people don't think about it much, they only assume because it's made that it's safe when it's really not. Or have the mentality of "better living through chemistry" when it's destroying biological systems. Glad you're questioning's concerned individuals as yourself that keep a balance in this insane world. Enjoy your ducks...I love ours, especially the way they move along together, sound like their own little whistling, tweeting, honking, marching band. I can't seem to get ours to use their duck house though, but I'm told they will.

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