DIY styrofoam incubator

I made an incubator out of a cheap styrofoam cooler from Wal-Mart and built my own also. This is how I made my first one with same cooler and had many ducks hatch out. (
the only difference is someone gave us a thermostat to regulate the light. I also read on the web to put small rocks in the incubator to hold the heat, so that is what I am trying now. I later on bought a very thick cooler used to ship meat. We just put it together and put more eggs in it. I think I ordered it on eBay last year. It is so much fun hatching out chickens and ducks and is not as hard as some say it is. We do turn the eggs 3 times a day. It would be worth it to buy a thermostat to regulate the heat from the light. I bought a second one only because the first one that was given to me did not seem to work well. Also, they have instructions here on the site with pictures.
Well, hope things work out for you.
I had 2 failed 0% hatches in my diy styrobator, the temperature spiked over night a couple of times, both hatches. I got so tired of checking the temperature every 2 hours (at night!) that I bought a brinsea mini eco. Best 79.99 I ever spend, this holds steady temperature like a rock.
The first time I made my incubator, it was styrofoam. But I mounted the thermostat wrong and needed to move it closer to the bulb. I pretty much destroyed the thing trying to take it off. I got the plastic cooler and mounted everything with a drill and screwed them right into the plastic wall. I've hatched more than a few batches out of it with a good success rate for shipped eggs (70/75%) The hole thing cost less than $20.

Haha I'm kind of hoping to find someone near me that will split a hatch. Incubating makes me nervous... Just that I don't wanna spend $200 on a incubator and homemade ones you have to watch very closely and remember to turn the eggs 3-4 times a day, and candeling YIKES ... oh and humidity! But I'll have to give it a shot cause I can't find live quail.
Rush Lane Poultry.

This guy has made 6 videos or more on building egg incubators. You can find them on YouTube or on his own website. Rush Lane Poultry.

I've watched all six of them. After awhile, he makes tweaks and improvements. Highly recommend watching all of them. You'll be proficient and confident. He has done this successfully for years and I can tell you it is a fun project to build. The cost is about 20 cents on the dollar and you can absolutely build as good an incubator as you can buy. Really, it isn't rocket science or building a super collider, LOL

Anyhow, Rush Lane Poultry's own website (easier in some ways) or YouTube.

You'll have a bachelor's degree in building incubators when you've finished his course.
I second that. Absolutely have to watch those vids by rush lane poultry. They are the reason I moved my thermostat the first time around. He explains things gery well as!!

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