Do any Leghorns lay brown eggs?

Vicki B.

6 Years
Oct 10, 2017
Northern California
Just bought 8 pullet chicks from the feed store they said they are brown Leghorns and they will lay brown eggs. I cannot find anything online about any Leghorns that lay brown eggs? Maybe the lady at the feed store doesn't know what she is talking about?Does anyone know of brown Leghorns laying brown eggs? They definitely act like Leghorns they are feathering out already and they are very flighty even though they are only 2 weeks old.
Just bought 8 pullet chicks from the feed store they said they are brown Leghorns and they will lay brown eggs. I cannot find anything online about any Leghorns that lay brown eggs? Maybe the lady at the feed store doesn't know what she is talking about?Does anyone know of brown Leghorns laying brown eggs? They definitely act like Leghorns they are feathering out already and they are very flighty even though they are only 2 weeks old.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!!
People who work in the feed stores (and home improvement stores too), in MY experience, rarely know what they are talking about.
ALL leghorns lay white eggs.
We have Brown leghorns and they lay white eggs. However we have white Leghorn cross with Black Australorp (from the hatchery) and they lay light brown eggs.
We have Brown leghorns and they lay white eggs. However we have white Leghorn cross with Black Australorp (from the hatchery) and they lay light brown eggs.

This hybrid you mention is called an Austra white so it is not a leghorn and will not lay a white egg. They typically lay a cream colored egg.

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