Do baby debeaked chick's lick?

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If you don't tell someone why something might be wrong they will likely never come to know and many animals may suffer out of ignorance. Really if you are going to post on something controversial or that could cause pain to the animal you need to explain the situation or expect people to point it out to you. I wouldn't expect any less from a forum of responsible caring people. I've learned long ago to really explain myself in such situations or I'm likely to be defending myself for several pages until everything is cleared up or giving up on the thread because everyone has already made up their minds and I lost my chance to explain. I'd much rather though someone told me why something is wrong and why they wouldn't do it than let me potentially continue in ignorance. I'm sure there are better ways to handle the feather pecking especially since you are starting with new chicks. I've yet to see a thread of missing feathers that couldn't be solved on here or other forums. Debeaking sounds to me like a way to cover up an unknown problem not solve one. There's got to be something wrong that needs changed....
OH MY GOD NO! I am sorry I incited a riot for no reason,no,no....that is gross! We love our animals here! I assumed there was only one term for all of this! I can see now why everyone was upset. You have to look to see the "trimmed" part of their beaks. If I can figure out how to post a pic tomorrow I will. I still can't figure out how to do that little "pjbarb wrote" thing.
You might want to look into peepers or blinders. They are less permanent than beak trimming, but I don't know if it is at all painful.
Then I want to oficially apologize for my hateful comments. Glad to know that isn't what was done.
You don't have to apologize, after seeing that photo I can understand why might have been upset with me. I assure you once again that is not the case here. I figured out the quote thing.
Whew, I am SO glad you didn't do THAT to your chicks. I didn't even want to comment because I was so angry. I didn't want to go all ballistic...better to keep my mouth shut I figured. Now I'm much happier about that.
Sorry for having hateful feeling
When they trim the beak they either half to two thirds of the hens beak is removed.

There is a difference between "a trim" and debeaking, although some people call debeaking "beak trimming" which can be horribly confusing.

This image shows how they cut into the beak.


For more info you can read it here:

(I'm still working on it so more info will be added as I go along)
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Good info.

I would really like to point out to all those flaming about debeaking, that although you continue to post about the pain debeaking causes, you still have not taken into consideration the pain being eaten alive by your flock causes.
Here's a good "would you rather".
Would you rather cut your nose off, or be slowly eaten alive by the members of your family?
Give her a break. From the information Anny provided, it looks like she may have even just trimmed thier beaks, as well. 2/3s off a beak seems like the most you could even take off for the bird's beak without thier beak completely disappearing. And apparenly, that's trimming.
She made a mistake. But the birds are alive, they're healthy, their beaks may be sore, but no real harm was done.
Foxes tear chickens to pieces every day. Hawks swoop down and grab them off the lawn. In comparison to all the horrible things that happen every day to girls just like them, these chickens have it good

I would consider all these things before you flame her again.

We are human, we make mistakes. Just yesterday my baby silkies went "swimming" in thier water dish. Then they took a nice good roll in the food. The poor, cold sticky things
I should have known better. They needed some marbles in thier water dish. You guys want to yell at me? They're fine now, clean and healthy. I've learned my lesson.

Please respect eachother's descisions and mistakes
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