Do cattle roost?

I guess we're all a work in progress, right Ralphie?

It is so insightful for you to say something like this. I am thinking you could have a way high IQ. Maybe be a genunious.. I am proud to call you my fiend!

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It is so insightful for you to say something like this. I am thinking you could have a way high IQ. Maybe be a genunious.. I am proud to call you my fiend!


I was smart enough to start talking to you, right? I must be a freaking genunious. My ma will be stupefied when she hears the news.
Anyone live close to Joe? He's not checked in today
and it's getting dark. I'm almost worried.

Someone run over to Joes and untie him from the trees.
Just be careful one of his cows don't be falling on you.
Dark time, they be roosting now.

** One of those silly true memories....My wife was left-handed.
She was trying to mom put new wallpaper in the living room.
Walllpaper works from left to right...right-handed family, Spook
has. My poor wife wife got all tangled up to the extent that mom
had to take sissors and free my wife. Stuck in the wall paper she

*** My aunt...she was left handed as well. Was putting contact paper
on an old fridge. Instead of doing a side at a time, my aunt wrapped
the contact paper around the fridge. (after removing the handle) And
she lost track of which side the door was. That was funny.

**** Talking about my aunt....they had a duck they kept in the house.
In the bathroom matter of fact. Lived in the tub. That wouldn't of been
too bad...But it was a MEAN duck.If you sat on the commode, or even
turned your back on it, that duck attacked. No mercy. Now unless
you've ever been setting on a commode with your pants down around
your ankles when a duck attacks, you have not lived. They is parts of
the Spook he don't want no duck biting on.

As you can probably guess, my family has no high expectations of any
of us. And oh, do we live up to that low standard...
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