Do chicken beaks "molt"?

If you look at (A) in the photo you can see it's like the top layer of the beak is separating off. And if you look at (B) you can see the beak is stubby/broken off. (Other details: She has stopped laying eggs for two weeks now and she's losing feathers. We think this is because she hasn't been able to eat properly bc of her beak.)

We've moved Gert inside and we are feeding her ground up feed pellets and oyster shells mixed with a bit of water. She seems to be eating that with ease. We are planning to keep her in and feed her like this for a few weeks until she gets her strength back. Do you all think we have drawn the right conclusions?
Looks like Gert has damaged her beak somehow - maybe on some fencing or a feeder.
That can be painful until the underlying beak has hardened up.

I would offer her wet feed, oyster shell free choice though (I don't like mixing oyster shell with feed).
How old is she? Is she molting? If the feather loss is due to molt, most birds stop laying during molt too - the beak injury could be coincidental. The injury also looks fairly "fresh" to me (redness of the underlying tissue). The peeled layer will likely fall off on it's own, if it doesn't, then you may need to snip it off, but I would wait a week or so and see.

As for separation - that is up to you. Personally, I leave birds with the flock unless they are getting picked on. It's less stressful and sometimes separated birds have difficulty re-integrating into the flock. If you feel she needs some type of protection - a large dog kennel set up inside the coop or run works well - she can have her own food/water.
You could also make wet feed available for the whole flock (along with dry) this way she can eat - but don't be surprised if your other ladies like the wet feed too.
Looks like Gert has damaged her beak somehow - maybe on some fencing or a feeder.
That can be painful until the underlying beak has hardened up.

I would offer her wet feed, oyster shell free choice though (I don't like mixing oyster shell with feed).
How old is she? Is she molting? If the feather loss is due to molt, most birds stop laying during molt too - the beak injury could be coincidental. The injury also looks fairly "fresh" to me (redness of the underlying tissue). The peeled layer will likely fall off on it's own, if it doesn't, then you may need to snip it off, but I would wait a week or so and see.

As for separation - that is up to you. Personally, I leave birds with the flock unless they are getting picked on. It's less stressful and sometimes separated birds have difficulty re-integrating into the flock. If you feel she needs some type of protection - a large dog kennel set up inside the coop or run works well - she can have her own food/water.
You could also make wet feed available for the whole flock (along with dry) this way she can eat - but don't be surprised if your other ladies like the wet feed too.

Thank you for the detailed response! We’re still going to keep her in the kennel for about a week, just over night and in the mornings so we can monitor her eating. She’s eating the wet food very well. She’s out free ranging with the other two chickens now. Updates to come, and thanks again!

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