Do chickens almost always hatch at 21 days?

21 days is the "average incubation period for chicken eggs." Average. Which means MOST eggs hatch on the 21st day, "most" being the majority. Of how many eggs? Possibly zillions. So, some will hatch before then, and some will hatch after that time.

I have had eggs hatch on the 25th day.... and as early as the 19th.
I have 3 broody hens as well, one should be hatching some this week-21 days is up on Thursday. They are in my coop where the layers lay, so I think we are getting eggs put under the hens daily, I don't know what to do! Will the hens stop sitting when something hatches even if I take the chicks inside? So far, all 3 seem to be getting off the nests to eat and drink, all look good and still feel heavy enough. Well, our little mutt banty won't let me near her, nips at me.

SO exciting though! Good luck to everyone! If I didn't have dial up, I would be posting pics like mad!

I went back and read said you believe that your talking about incubating chicks here & broodies are different...}The person who started this post, is referring to her broodie hen hatching eggs in 21 days. And my post is ALSO referring to a broodie hen thats been sitting for 26 days on & off. ~ But SORRY for Posting & asking about my drama. ~ Julie~
1234duck glad to hear from you! I'm so glad to hear you have baby ducks, they are sooo adorable! I sure hope my chicks don't take that long, but I'm really glad you posted because if they are that late I know now not to give up.
Mentzer6 that's amazing we have so much in common. We will have to compare notes on the hatches I'm very curious to see if they all hatch near the same time. 2 of mine are in the coop with the others, at the time I had only one extra cage but I think I will block off the broodies nests today. Yesterday I sectioned off part of my coop for the mommys and chicks (hoping they will all get along.) but I don't want to move them yet. I may leave my silkie in the cage where she is she is a nervous hen and was VERY happy to be alone with her eggs but was driving the others nuts jumping from one clutch to the other before I moved her.
I've only had a broody hatch eggs for me once before and they hatched, much to my surprise, on day 19. I've got a broody sitting on eggs right now that are due on Friday although they spent the first two weeks in the incubator so who knows?
Sometimes they hatch on day 19

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