Do chickens eat lots ??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
hi im new here and HAVE NOT got chickens yet( the coop is being built
but should be done in a month or so!) so im learning lots of things so the chickens have the best health they can have! and im wondering what do u have to feed them each day is it true egg shells help with making there eggs (where only using them for love and eggs
)any way i know the question is a bit dumb but im new to the chicken world! Thanks for reading:D
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i free feed my chickens...i just fill up their feeder when empty they dont overeat so it fine but if you want to measure it out you can do that and untill green stuff starts going and if your going to let them free range at all they may eatt just touch more.

and you can dry out their egg shells in the oven on real low and crsh them well and feed them back for a calcium soruce if you want or you can buy crushed oyster shell from the feed store just depends on which you wanna do.
around here(indiana) if you buy layer feed it costs about 7 cents worth of feed a day per chicken. if you free range the chickens it will cut your feed bill in half.
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4 ounces or 1/4 pound is for leghorn or sex linked type chickens. Dual purpose birds will eat about 1/3 of a lb. or so per day. 50 lbs. of feed will last a month or so for 6 chickens. Of course you will need less if you free range in the good weather & possibly more per bird in the winter.
Thanks guys I have heaps of practise with bunnies just not chickens if u want any help at all with bunnies just say on one of my posts

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