Do Chicks Usually Lay on Their Sides?

Yup, they just flop down were they are when they're tired, just like little kids. When I first had chicks I had a few that slept on their backs in the pine shavings with their little feet in the air--first time I saw it I was sure they were dead. Wait until they grow up. get outside and dust bathe in the sun.
Thats the dead chick look so they can scare us humans to death. I think they laugh at us when we freak out.
My son's ferret (Harry Houdini) used to do this........he'd be running around like crazy.....then all of a sudden he'd flop to the floor and go to sleep.... looking dead. My son & I went through several scary times, until we learned this was the way of a young ferret.
I remember telling my Dad about his grandson's ferret's behavior........he just smiled his quiet smile and said " you were the same way when you were a toddler". (grin......we're all connected)

During my first hatch, when the bitties, who'd been running around peeping, all of a sudden were stretched out on the floor of the bator, looking dead, I remember my son's ferret and my Dad's words.
Wisdom and experience comes from many places.
We have to get a "dead chick" sticky. I don't know anyone who was not in a panic the first time they saw this.

Yep, I totally freaked out the first time i saw one of my chicks just keel over on its side, raced to it only to realize it was resting, prolly scared the pudding out of it as much as me.

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