Do ducks lay light green eggs?


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
I have been picking light green eggs in my duck pen. Until this morning, I assumed that my Easter Egger hen had been flying in the duck pen and laying eggs in the very same spot that my other female ducks lay their eggs. Well this morning about 5AM, I went outside to unlock all of the chicken coops and went in to feed my ducks and I noticed that 2 of the ducks had already layed eggs this morning. Much to my surprise, one of the eggs' color was light green. At 5AM in the morning and with all chickens locked up in their pens, there is no way that my Easter Egger hens could have layed this egg. The egg was not there the day before because I picked ALL eggs on 7PM last night. So my question is, is there any duck breed out there that can lay a light green egg? I am totally confused right about now.
What breed of ducks do you have?

Many breeds lay from a white egg to a green egg. We have had Aconas and Cayugas that lay green eggs, and I know many other breeds that have that capability. So yes, I am guessing your ducks are laying green egs.
I have Mallards, Call Ducks, Muscovy Ducks and Crested ducks. Unless I have a breed that I don't know about. I will have to post pics and let you all see the types that I have. Can any of these breeds that I listed lay tinted eggs?

ETA: Also have pekin ducks.
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Well if Mallards can lay the green eggs, then it must be my Matilda. She lays VERY early in the morning and that may be her egg. I will post pics when I get home. I will post a pic of the larger white egg and the round green egg.

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