Do geese recognize people?


Apr 24, 2016
Hi there! Hoping someone with applicable experience or a better understanding of waterfowl behavior can answer my sort of unusual question: I raised my two geese from hatchlings until they were about 5 months old, interacting with them for hours every day. They followed me around, plopped down and fell asleep on my lap whenever I sat down, and honked relentlessly if they couldn't see me. They were very comfortable with being touched.
When they were 5 months old I had to leave the state for 4 and a half months for work; I'll be returning this month and I am wondering if my babies will recognize me or if they'll be less tame since they haven't been getting the same level of human contact from the person taking care of them.
Thanks in advance!
Geese definitely recognize people, in fact, most birds tend to. Some geese prefer some humans over others. In my opinion, geese are generally much better at recognizing faces and bonding with humans than ducks are, at least if you raise them.
Oh boy do they! My two geese know me from anyone. I had about 40 people in my yard about a month ago. And my geese run the yard. And chased everyone but me. They see me and sit down and make this crazy sound till I was out of there eyesight. Then back to chasing everyone again. I had to sit by them just to keep them from chasing all the people.
We went on a trip for 10 days, and our geese welcomed us with open wings and the loudest and longest amount of honking. Our gander took a while to get used to us again, but there was no hissing or attacking. They were just really cautious. Not the reaction you would get from a dog, but satisfying enough haha! I can't imagine being away 4 months tho. Hopefully everything goes well! Keep us updated
Im gald it went my two geese.
So glad to hear your "babies" are back with you!

My goose even recognizes my cats. She gets really wary, uncomfortable, and even scared if other cats are in sight, but my own two she barely acknowledges, and only if they rub up against her.

The other day she was in my living room, and all of a sudden she started honking excitedly at the top of her voice. Turned out she had spotted one of her favorite humans through the window, across the lawn, over the hedge. She could only see his head and his shoulders, and he was even wearing his red work uniform which she's never seen before, but she sure recognized him. I opened the door and she ran out to meet and greet him. He always gets the royal treatment from her, but I was very surprised she managed to identify him under those circumstances.

For comparison, I've just been away from her for 11 days. All I got was one half-hearted honk and a look like "ok, so what else is new" when I returned. Oh, well

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