Do hens crow?

In answer to your question, and by way of more reassurance, yes, hens can crow occasionally.
It is usually, though not always, the most dominant hen of any given flock.
The bossiest of my brahmas has had a few goes at crowing. It's definitely different
to the noise she makes when laying an egg. I did a double take the first time she did it!
I've never yet seen her try to mount one of the other girls though! I guess she's not that adventurous.
So hopefully you do really have a hen and not a roo.
Yes, I had a hen that crowed. It was not an egg song. It was a horrible sounding crow too. I have a roo now and I can tell you that I prefer the sound of a roo's crow to that of a hen!! ODD!
They sure do and I love it. It lacks the shrill of a rooster crow but they sure try hard sometimes. My alpha thinks she is a rooster and is proud of her crow.
I know this is an old tread but......
My crested cream legbar (who up until a few months ago layed pretty blue eggs)stopped laying, her comb got massive, she grew spurs and started making an odd honking noise in the morning.she's at the bottom of the pecking order, it's all quite odd lol
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My Ameraucana is 3 months old and crowed this morning which I felt odd about possibly having a rooster. But after more research I found it is not uncommon for a dominant hen to play the role of a rooster when no roosters are present in the flock. Whew!! So relieved!
I have a cockerel and not an Americuana? Someone else told me differently. Is a cockerel a rooster or hen???? Thank you for letting me know this. I am getting mixed information.

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