Do I have a sick roo?


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
Coleman, Wi
My EE roo Hank doesn't seem right. We let all the chickens out of their run this morning and they are all running around and seem to be enjoying themselves,except for Hank. He just seems to walk around, not pecking the ground or anything. I went out with some bread, their favorite, and put some on the ground in front of him and it was like he didn't even see it. He used to be the dominant one and crowed all the time,but he hasn't crowed yesterday or today. Is there something wrong?
I've never really heard of a roo having mood swings
but I think he'll be alright.
What color is his comb? Is it lighter than usual? how is he eating? Good luck.
I haven't checked his comb yet. He isn't eating very much if at all. He just stands by himself not moving unless you walk up to him, then he runs away. It looks like he has to poop but can't. Can they get constapated?
I looked at his comb and it is redish like the other chickens' combs. He is drinking so that's a good sign, isn't it?
See if you can catch him pooping. Sometimes different poops can mean different things. Have you checked him for mites or lice?

If he seems clear, just let him be. It's okay to add a little bit of apple juice or power-aid to the water for a boost.
I haven't checked him. Tonight we will when he's on the roost. Won't he be scratching a lot if he has them? I don't know how to check for mites or lice.
Last nite was the first time he and the others were out of their run.
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Not always-as far as scratching is concerned.
I'm currently fighting the mite battle within my own flock. Alot of the birds hide it very well, some will even ignore it.

Checking is very easy. It's best to do it at night when he'll be calm. Just go in with a flashlight and quickly, but thoroughly, check underneath the feathers in his vent, base of the tail, under his wings, etc. If they're there, you'll see creepy-crawlies. Just look carefully. But honestly, I don't think you should be worried. It's true in that sometimes just like how people can have bad days, so can birds. And they can bounce back quickly. It's good to know how to check for bugs anyway.

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