Do I need to add Oyster shells?


8 Years
Jun 2, 2011
Ogden utah
We got our first egg today....Do I need to add oyster shells to their diet? First egg was small but hard. or do I add it only if soft shells show up?
I never add oyster shell....I save all my egg shells from eggs used in cooking, and then bake them in the oven when I have a good amount. then I crush them up and feed it too the chickens.

ETA I think its important to crush it up real good so they don't start to think egg shells = food
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My pullets are 16 weeks and no eggs yet, but I put out some oyster shell just so they could have it if they felt they needed it or wanted it. I have noticed 2 of my 3 going for it and from appearances they are the most advanced. They are getting nice big combs and waddles and they are starting to turn red. I am hoping for eggs any time now.
They either need layer feed or free choice oyster shells on the side. If you are feeding layer feed (which is fortified with the calcium they need) they generally don't need the oyster shell.
Thanks they have been on layer feed for a couple weeks now....So I will hold off on the shells untill needed thanks again.

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