Do motion lights work?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 5, 2011
Little Rock
As I write this I am having my first round with a fox. Since the neighborhood dog past last week we have preditors left and right. This fox came out before dusk which I thought was strange. Tomorrow I want to instal the garden type lights that have a 4 watt bulb around pen area. I also want to install motion lights. Has anyone used either for nite predators? And if so what results have you gotten? I am heading back out now for my patrol. Not sure if my yelling will scare it away and not for long I am sure. lol
here's my diabolical idea. Set up a motion light, but instead of turning on a bulb, rig it to turn on a buzzer in your place. Go out with a BRIGHT flashlight held along the forearm of your long gun of choice and nix said varmint.
I set up three motion lights, I think they work. I have them set up to see all sides of my coop and run and my dogs notice when the lights go on. If they get upset Ilet them out and the combination has saved my birds a few times.
It also makes it great when I have to go to work in the dark and feed and tend my girls before I go!!
I have had Nite Gard lights surrounding my chicken coop for a year and a half now, nothing has tried to dig in or attack at night, so far so good. Daytime is another story, I am always on guard for hawks, I have covered my chicken yards with fishing line and this week I am putting up poultry netting.
What are night guard lights? and not sure I understand the fishing line, we are putting up the bird netting over the top too, lots of hawks here, Just wondered, thanks
lol Garliceater!! That was my choice last nite. It did not return but I am on gaurd. We do have netting over all pens as we too have Red Tail Hawks which are protected here in Ark. But I think I understand the law to say you can protect your livestock...Hummmm I will be putting up the lights today I do Thank you guys for the imput. I would hate to lose this run of babies. Last year we lost just all hens to the hawks, 10 of them. They didn`t take one rooster. Weird. And they were just 3 months old so not any bigger than the hens. I will keep posted on the fox. Thank you all again;)

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