Do Nosy Neighbours Count As Pests?

Sorry about that, I did clarify above. He was fine at the time and still, he's one of those really good sturdy dogs whom isn't bothered by much, although looking back on it I was cursing and swearing things, the only reason I didn't go round was because it was actually Christmas Eve and my wife asked me not too.

I really don't know how I forgot that, even 7 months on, that's how angry I was.

Also bad neighbours happen all over and you never can tell which ones. Our neighbours to the left are young, in a band and have four kids... Do not have a bad thing to say about them or their kids, beyond that I seriously think he's running a chop shop, but that's not my problem.
Probably. The covenants are over a hundred pages long so to be honest I've never even read them all! I wait until I need to do something and then go try to find the relevant part of the covenants. I do know that basically every house in the neighborhood is some shade of brown with maybe a green or other earth tones thrown in so I'm sure you're right. Oh and the neighborhood has a Facebook page and you wouldn't believe the posts on there from nosey busy bodies with too much time on their hands. I don't read it but my friends tell me. Today there was someone complaining of a suspicious car spotted in the neighborhood multiple times but there was nothing explaining what made it suspicious other than that the poster didn't recognize the car. The neighborhood is huge and there is no way they can know every car.

Thank god everyone here minds their own business, except the weirdos out back.
Another guy complains when his neighbors don't trim their trees and bushes "right". He's retired so I guess he has nothing better to do than be the self-appointed landscape police. I'm sure my dead lawn and weeds gave him fits which kind of pleases me.
My neighbours are now traipsing round their yard with a flash light, it's raining, hard and about 10 degrees.

I'm starting to think they may just be oddballs.
My daughter has terrible snoopy neighbours , they installed a solar powered sensor light to go on when he walked by their window he had been " peaking " into . It works wonderfully!
No living on an acerage does help with the face to face stuff , but we did have our only neighbour for 2 miles drive up our driveway in his riding mower to ask my husband when he was planning on mowing the ditch!!!
I glare in his direction when I drive by
but I refuse to let him bring me down
while mowing my front one day. My neighbor from across the road comes tooling over on his lawn tractor to inform me that I was wearing the ugliest hat he had ever seen

Lol I almost lost my coffee there; now THAT is a ballsy neighbor ROFL...

I'm wondering if we ALL arent the weirdos lol...3 pages of snooping on the neighbors ;)...oh but I'm just reading so IM not a weirdo....

Sound like they like hunting nightcrawlers, or those toads...or maybe she's an insomniac .. I do som pretty weird stuff at night lol; spotlight to weed the garden at 2 am... Spotlighting raccoons at 4 am....sometimes I take my phone and creep along the creek and look for fireflies.... People do weird stuff ;)

I'd kick anybody's behind for poking my dog with a stick though...

I agree you should just suck it up, have lovely wife make a cake, and waltz right up to the front door and say "hi how bout some cake, neighbor!" ...THEN you can proceed with 29 questions about their weirdo habits and if they just ADORE your fluffy cute egg machines? :D
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