Do sweaters actually help chickens stay warmer?

Regarding sweaters,i would also be concerned about strangling or bird pulling threads and choking or threads causing an impacted crop.

Hen saddles are a much safer option.
Hen saddles are a lot safer. I posted a thread bout sweaters and got hate so im glad you aren't getting any by posting this
Well yeah, I would hope not to get hate responses, lol. All I asked was if anyone had experienced putting a sweater on a shivering chicken and had them stop shivering. I have not and do not plan to put sweaters on my chickens.
Animals kept in heated houses, and then taken outside, such as dogs, can wear a sweater, but to be honest it is for the people, not the dog.

Horses wear blankets, but that is to keep them from growing a heavier winter coat, again for peoples conceived notion of what looks good.

Animals need to have a well ventilated, dry protected place that they can choose to use or not. After careful watching of hen and chicks, what I have realized, is that they often are out and about in a wind, then take a break and warm up.

I would not do the sweater thing, because the animal, the one that is either hot or cold has no choice to wear the sweater. It is better to leave the door open and when they need a break from the weather, they will take one.

Chickens know a lot more about being chickens than people do.

what if your chicken is lame and his feathers are getting wet from the grass. I'm thinking of trying to protect his chest feathers from getting wet and him getting a chill...

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