Do these look like Peafowl eggs?

john in wa

10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
found 5 eggs today and they dont look like my normal chicken eggs. I found them in the peafowl shed.


what do you think? thanks
They all look like chicken eggs to me. The peafowl eggs I'm familliar with look alot like a turkey egg , tan with alot of brown speckles. But..... I did run across a nest of 9 turkey eggs today in a pile of cedar branches , & one was solid white. I thought my girls were just late laying this year. Nice surprise for me!
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A peafowl egg should take up most of the palm of your hand ( a women's at least) ( not counting fingers) . Depending on the 3 chicken eggs shown, if they are very large chicken eggs then the bottom left and the bottom right could perhaps be..............
I am not for sure what kind of eggs they are, but I do know that peafowl eggs do not have speckles on them we set a couple of hundred a year and they are cream colored I have never seen a speckled peafowl egg yet.

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Think that maybe were I post they were , my mistake. was posting they were speckel like turkey eggs, should have been like a larger turkey egg in size......

Sorry !!!!!

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