Do we have a EE Pullet or a Roo?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 30, 2012
Lilburn, GA
It's a gorgeous bird, but will cause problems for us if she turns out to be a he. It's about 16 weeks at this point. We are total newbies and are having trouble figuring out if we're going to be getting eggs or complaints from the neighbors since we're not technically allowed to have them. Neighbors are all fine so long as we don't have any crowing.

Not the clearest face shot, but was the best I could do with my phone at the time.

I would say its a 4 months of age you would have definatly have heard some rooster noises from her. I had the same issue we had a leghorn that turned out to be a he...he was making very interesting sounds by a month old in the brooder...haha...they are kind of hard to describe.

Here is a a pic of a EE roo at 4 months old found on google if that helps a little. :) Also he/she is a very pretty bird!!!
I've been favoring roo myself, but was hoping otherwise since it still hadn't crowed. Kids and I were looking forward to some colored eggs. Thanks for the responce Coop.
It's a gorgeous bird, but will cause problems for us if she turns out to be a he. It's about 16 weeks at this point. We are total newbies and are having trouble figuring out if we're going to be getting eggs or complaints from the neighbors since we're not technically allowed to have them. Neighbors are all fine so long as we don't have any crowing.

Not the clearest face shot, but was the best I could do with my phone at the time.

I Love the color!
At first I was thinking a roo, but that was also what happened with my EE and she had a comb that red at only 3 months. Plus I don't see hackles on your bird, and the tail feathers although long aren't pointy like the rooster in that photo. I had an EE roo that crowed every morning at 6 weeks of age.
Thank you Rebird. It has made some almost gurgling type sounds for several weeks now, a type of a growl of sorts you could say, but they haven't turned into a full blown crows yet. The sound is a bit hard to describe.
Thank you Rebird. It has made some almost gurgling type sounds for several weeks now, a type of a growl of sorts you could say, but they haven't turned into a full blown crows yet. The sound is a bit hard to describe.

That's how I would describe it too. I wish I could have recorded the sound or something because its so unique and funny!! That is probibly the most interesting sound I have heard a chicken make! :) Most likely a roo then :( Maybe he will be quiet if he dosen't make too much noise wont have trouble finding him a good home...he is one handsome boy!!!
Okay, I'm going to go ahead and call Pat a Patrick at this point. Was able to take some more pictures of what's pushing me to this point. Growls are getting longer and louder as well so thinking these will be growing in volume and length until we reach the inevitable crescendo.
3 months of anticipation all for not.

At least I think our Australorp has started presenting herself so hopefully General Tso (she rules the roost afterall) will have her first egg for us soon.


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