Do you enjoy making Jams, Jellies and Marmalade's?

my sister has a blueberry bush and every year i pick them and the supluss i make into blueberry jam

my first try went bad as i put in too much pectin and made it stiff but since i have made pineapple jam which is spot on

will be trying blueberry jam again this year
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Last weekend me and my family picked 20 cups of blackberries in the field behind my house and I made 9 pints of blackberry jam. i had 1/2 gallon of wild grapes I picked in my backyard from last year in the freezer so I juiced them and mixed it with blueberry pomagranite juice and made grape/ blueberry/pomagranite jelly. I was VERY good.

today i made a dozen pints of hot salsa and 9 pints of pear/ apple butter..mmm
Last weekend me and my family picked 20 cups of blackberries in the field behind my house and I made 9 pints of blackberry jam. i had 1/2 gallon of wild grapes I picked in my backyard from last year in the freezer so I juiced them and mixed it with blueberry pomagranite juice and made grape/ blueberry/pomagranite jelly. I was VERY good.

today i made a dozen pints of hot salsa and 9 pints of pear/ apple butter..mmm

Do you use Sure-Jel, or fruit pectin? I have been wanting a recipe for jelly that doesn't use that stuff.
We picked 25 lbs of sand plums last weekend and made both jam and jelly from them. We also always make strawberry jam and currant jelly every year along with apple butter and marmalade. I rarely use sure jell at all, just the fruit or fruit juice, lemon juice, and sugar. I do use sure jell with my strawberry and blackberry, if I get them to use. Plums, apples, and currants all have their own pectin and don't need anything else added. We sometimes make elderberry jelly if we get enough. Love making my own jellys and jams. I can't remember the last time we even looked at commercially made ones in the store.
Quote: hmm what is that ,,never heard of it i guess lol ..but you have my mouth just a watering :)
hmm what is that ,,never heard of it i guess lol ..but you have my mouth just a watering :)

You mostly find it in restaurants where it is battered and deep fried, but I have never had it that way, and really don't think I would like it that way.

I like getting a very thick sliced bread. (Nothing Fancy)

Give a generous amount of apricot preserves on both pieces of bread.
A nice portion of deli-shaved turkey or ham.
2 slices of Provolone, or Swiss cheese. I like provolone.

After you have made your sandwich, get your griddle ready!

When your pan is about hot, dip one side of the sandwich in beaten eggs, and turn it over, and do the same with the other side.
I have heard people say that my Monte Cristo, isn't the right way, but it still tastes good, without the deep fat fried part.

You will make this much like you would french toast.

Hope you try this sandwich, it is really great.
Ohmigosh! So excited over this thread! I started making jelly a few months back because I wanted to get into canning and one of the little older ladies in my church suggested starting with jams and jellies because it would "ease me in to the water" without drowning me! lol (!!!) I, however, am not one to do the normal thing, so I did a little research on different unusual jellies you could make. I came up with wildflower jelly and fruit peel jelly made with steeped flowers or wine, and boy are they delish! Red clover with white wine is a fave, and dandelion is fabulous! I have since made grape jelly for my hubby (he is so un-adventurous where food is related) from wild grapes and blackberry jam last week which is to-die-for! I'm going blackberry picking again tomorrow to make another batch or two before the berries fade! (though this time I will be wearing long pants and sleeves---I picked in a dress and flip flops last week---not sure if the briar scratches or the red bugs were worse......)
Do you use Sure-Jel, or fruit pectin? I have been wanting a recipe for jelly that doesn't use that stuff.
I a have recipe for homemade pectin that I'd like to try. I know you can make jam, preserves, marmalades without sure-jel or pectin, but to my knowledge, you have to use some gelling product to make a jelly.

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