Do you have a cat?

Thanks, it's going to be hard because Halloween is just around the corner and they are all black. The only kitten parts I like are when they just crawl, cuddle with you and when they eat with everyone else lol. I can do without the wire chewing, pre litter box trained, Meow bringing them into bed in the wee hours of the morning, getting stuck behind the dresser, etc Lol.

Quackers and Swedgin sleeping together.




This is our "adopted" cat (you know the ones that come around & you feel sorry for so you feed it and it keeps coming back? :lau ) He's such a sweet lovable boy. He keeps trying to follow me inside the house lol. I had just gone out to the garage and he spooked me because he had his face right by the door haha.



Quackers and Meow Lol.

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You do have a point there lol. I have a question for you... Do any of your cats get jealous of each other? Like if your giving attention to one do others get jealous?
Yes. Boo has issues with Apollo. She gets angry when he gets lovin' at bed time. But its not too bad, she usually leaves in a huff and that's it. She will also ignore me for days after I get back from trip. I'm hers, she owns me, lol.
The weirdest jealousy we had was with Rocky. When we brought home our first son the cat was great with the baby, but he stopped grooming himself and got covered in tiny mats, which I had to snip out with those tiny nail scissors. Think he felt neglected. Sorry long answer to a short question.
"I'm hers, she owns me, lol. " Lol what goes through a cats mind has always intrigued me. My two boys Furball and Batman are the two jealous ones. Batman more than Furball, but Furball has been showing more jealously lately. If I start baby talking anyone Batman comes running and jumps on my lap, starts purring, and nudges my hand to pet him lol. In the beginning if Furball was on my lap asleep, Batman would come and lick him till he woke up and then bit him. Now, after not getting the attention he wanted he will just nudge him lol. Furball will just lay ontop of Batman lol. Those two are weird, haha.
Lol my favourite cat ( who is gone now ) was the product of a mother and son! He was a weird little silver tabby with big eyes and a huge nose. I miss him.

This is Drist

Wish it was a better picture, because he's very hansom. Looks like a Siamese, but not so thin like them.

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