do you have any phobias? (fear of something)

snakes and caves, I had to go into a cave to get water when I was a child and dad killed copper head snakes in the cave. I could not go in a cave now no matter what, it scares me to dead.
I have emetaphobia: fear of vomit
If someone says they dont feel well, I start to get nervous. And if someone says they feel like they need to throw up. I start having a panic attacks. Me having emetaphobia has led to germaphobia (to human germs). I dont mind outdoor germs, but human sicknesses. I get nervous. If someone near me gets sick, then I have panic attacks and I am afraid I will catch it and end up throwing up....
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I kinda have that same heights don't really bother me, But edges DO! I can sit up on the roof of a pole barn or house in the middle and laugh and tell stories, BUT get me close to an edge and I panic BIG TIME!! So my fear is not of heights, but the edge or falling off. Driving across bridges where you can look off edge is terrible.
I used to have this terrible fear of any fresh water other than the shower and the pool... lakes, rivers, ponds, swamps... ew! Oceans were FINE.
I'm now able to swim in large lakes with minimal protest... but it's still bad news if I feel freshwater mud between my toes!
Really really scared of spiders!
I can;t actually go into a room with a spider or I come out in goose bumps. Sometimes I just know one is looking at me ready to pounce!
They do you know! Pounce! and launch at your Jugular! It is the way they run and their legs are like right at you and you can;t run because your not sure what direction they are actually going to go in cause they seems to run in several directions all at the same time. - I actually scream at the nearest person like a crazed maniac to kill it!!!!!!!!!
Had to get DH to power hose the coop because I couldn;t go in it - I saw one, it was looking at me and I just know it was going to drop in my hair!

Oesdog - ooooooh I come over all funny - just got goose bumps talking about them! -
Hopefully, nobody on BYC has Alektorophobia.

Mine doesn't have a name, but it should.... I have a phobia of being trapped underwater in a vehicle and not being able to get out. My DH gets a kick out of freaking me out at boat ramps - he'll take off and hit the breaks about the time the front tires hit the water. By then, I have the door open and about to jump out. Not funny.

Or brother... I dunno.

I've had the fear since I was two. I had a stomach bug and threw up as a result. My brother didn't like the sound and panicked, and I thought, 'Gosh, I should panic too!'. It stuck. Since then, it developed into full-blown PTSD, and I ended up getting formal treatment with REALLY helped. I now do a special online desensitizaiton program that is slowly eating away at the fear, bit by bit. Here's a link (It's completely safe to click it: No pics of anything graphic, just an intro as to what the whole program is.)
Spiders, definitely. I'm afraid of large bodies of water, if I can't see the bottom. I'm scared fish or something are going to come grab me.
That also counts for the ocean. It takes me a while to be able to go out to thigh-length. I'm really afraid a shark is going to come to shore or something.

I'm also really afraid of seeing dogs without leashes, because a) they could be stray b) they could be aggressive and/or bite me c) they could have some kind of disease. I get totally freaked out when I see dogs without their leashes/owners, but once I see their owner I'm okay.

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