Do you keep your chickens and ducks together at night? *Take The Poll*

Do you keep your chickens and ducks together at night?

  • Yes - I keep them together

    Votes: 11 50.0%
  • No - I separate them

    Votes: 11 50.0%

  • Total voters


7 Years
May 27, 2012
Lucky Duck Pond
I have 5 chickens and two ducks

My ducks like to go to bed when the chickens do and I hate to make them get up and move to their side of the coop so I was wondering If sometimes I could let them stay together??? The ducks are Muscovy's and I don't want any duck/chicken mating going on so I would like to know how many people keep them together and if they have had any issues.
When I moved my ducklings out of their brooder and outside I kept them in a separate pen from the chickens and I didn't let them out of the pen for about a week. By then they were used to going to their duck coop while the chickens went to their chicken coop. They mingle while free ranging during the day but say goodnight to each other and head for their own enclosures at dark.
My ducks, and geese sleep with the chickens.. The chickens roost, they do not.

Everyone gets along fine :) Only have one call duck drake, and he has enough girls to satisfy him. Though can you imagine a drake under 2 pounds trying to mate a barred rock? Not happening!
I used to keep runners and chickens together they were fine. Am now gunna get call ducks Muscovites and some silver apple yards
crafty duck...I think if you are worried about your duck mounting your chicken and vice versa you need to keep them seperate at all times. Animals are not like old married couples they get busy whenever it suits them. Also, they cannot cross breed so you dont really have to worry even if they do look like things are happening in all the feathers lol

edited to add....I keep my 3 cauygas with my chickens the only problem is they get poo on them b/c they sleep beneath the roost but nothing they can't clean off..
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First of all are they ducks(females) or drakes?(males) THAT makes a difference, yes.. people keep them housed together, i do not, i own drakes and am not willing to accept the risk, worse case a drake can kill a hen(female chicken)

I only own Muscovy and those boys are big.. besides they roost too btw! that is a trait of Muscovy, as well the water and mess just isn't compatible for combining them IMO.
My ducks, and geese sleep with the chickens.. The chickens roost, they do not.

Everyone gets along fine :) Only have one call duck drake, and he has enough girls to satisfy him. Though can you imagine a drake under 2 pounds trying to mate a barred rock? Not happening!

The visual on the that is beyond funny! Do you have any Muscovy? sorry i cannot remember, they do roost, mine sit up on a shelf... a vast majority of the flock.
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First of all are they ducks(females) or drakes?(males) THAT makes a difference, yes.. people keep them housed together, i do not, i own drakes and am not willing to accept the risk, worse case a drake can kill a hen(female chicken)

I only own Muscovy and those boys are big.. besides they roost too btw! that is a trait of Muscovy, as well the water and mess just isn't compatible for combining them IMO.
Sorry I should have put that I have 1 male and 1 female.

And my Muscovy's don't roost they sleep on the floor.

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